Gibt es noch Monarchisten in Deutschland?
Der Kaiser ist nicht mehr in Macht gibt es aber eigentlich nach all diesen Jahren immernoch Leute die den Kaiser zurück möchten? Würde das überhaupt gehen? Als komplette Monarchie glaube nicht gehen aber würde eine representative Monarchie erlaubt sein?
Of course there are people who would like to see a king or emperor in power again.
Many of them are insulted, defamated and slandered as “reach citizens.”
There is a difference between monarchists and “real citizens”
Are they not rich people?
Yes, for example, the association “Tradition and Life” as well as some of today’s Hohenzollern family and isolated individuals.
There are a few.
the chances go against zero.
Yeah, me. I want our old emperor Wilhelm back
This is Wilhelm the first. He didn’t want to be an emperor.
The Carty Prince?
Oh, no!
No one can take seriously.
How to become a monarch?
Married. 🥺😄😄
Where to?
Yes better than those hypocrites who are sitting in Berlin.
Why? Talk and promise a lot, but nothing happens.
Not all, some have also done something, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Konrad Adenauer, Friedrich the Great. Do you want me to call a few more?
All politicians
There are enough people who don’t want democraty anymore.
Is England not a democracy?
the question was if imperial instead of Chancellor.
Hood diver.
That wasn’t the question. Don’t you understand your own question? Even Willi had swallowed several chancellors.