Are there natural sleep aids?
I don't take any medication or antibiotics, so I'd like a natural, healthy sleep aid. What's available?
I don't take any medication or antibiotics, so I'd like a natural, healthy sleep aid. What's available?
Hello, I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorder. At the moment I don't know what to do anymore and had the idea of trying antidepressants. However, I'm a little afraid to talk to my therapist or go to my family doctor. Do you have any tips for this? How are antidepressants prescribed? Do…
Hello everyone. I went for a vaccination last Saturday and was told I should come back in two weeks for a booster shot… But everywhere I read and hear it's only after three weeks… Should I wait three weeks before going? Or is two weeks okay?
I don't understand it, it's everyone's own decision, of course, but if I say now that I don't want to get vaccinated because I don't trust our government one bit, I'm a lateral thinker. If I say I don't want to inject myself with anything that was produced within a few months and I have…
Ich bekam 2013 eine pure Tetanus (Tetanol) Impfung und 2017 eine 4-Fach Impfung gegen Tetanus, Diphtherie, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis (Repevax) Im Internet werde ich nicht schlau ob diese 4-Fach Impfung 10 Jahre gilt. Bin ich noch gegen Tetanus geimpft oder brauch ich eine Auffrischung?
Hey, I just took magnesium (about 30 minutes ago) because I'm feeling dizzy and nauseous. It's just a bit upsetting to my stomach. Can I still take iberogast Classic, or should I avoid it?
What do you do every year at Christmas? 🙂
Often it is already effective enough to pay attention to sleep hygiene. This includes:
It takes several days/weeks until sleep hygiene shows its effect. If this is not enough, medicamentary help comes into play.
Valerian calms the nerves. However, this is not effective enough for medically relevant sleep disorders. Because sleep is exactly a chemical process in the brain. If one wants to influence this artificially it needs ergo substances that intervene in this process (psychopharmaceutical).
There is a wide range of drugs used in sleep disorders. Classic sleeping agents originate from the group of benzodiazepines (e.g. lorazepam) and Z-drugs (e.g. zolpidem). These act very admissible and have close to no side effects. However, the problem of these drugs is that they make it difficult to rely on when used too frequently.
For the longer-term medicamentous treatment of sleep disorders, medicaments of other active substance groups are, so to speak, intended to be alienated. It is therefore possible to utilize the sleeping side effects of certain antidepressants (for example Mirtazapine), antipsychotics (for example Quetiapine) or H1 antihistamines (for example hydroxyzine). These drugs do not depend, usually have more side effects.
In principle, all effective sleeping agents are prescribed. There are exceptions, however. For example, the H1 antihistaminic agent is diphendydramin apotheken- but not prescription-only. It is the strongest freely available sleeping agent, but compared to the prescription medicines the effect is moderate. Diphenhydramine is generally well tolerated.
Hope you could help.
There are no direct sleeping pills, just things that calm, like hops, or valerian. Phenibut or a high dose GABA might be what, but that makes you get more than you drank a few beers. If you can’t sleep because of too many thoughts, it can be very good.
Uh… there is. For some time there has been melatonin, but you should not take it regularly because the body is used to it.
Lavender oil. Massage a drop on the temples and spread under the palate.
Sufficient movement in fresh air
There is the sleep hormone usually associated with valerian as from wick the sleep bonuses
Yes, there is, the whining of my cat. Also completely without side effects.
Sports and self-satisfaction 😉
Magnesium preparations, melatonin capsules, L-tryptophan, valerian ….
Datteln ..Nours eat before sleep