Gibt es Nahrungsergänzungsmittel gegen 5G Strahlung?
Ich kenne nur diesen magnetischen Schmuck der vor der gefährlichen 5G Strahlung schützen soll. Aber gibt es nicht auch ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel welches man einnehmen kann um sich zu schützen? Kennt jemand eines ?
Only education works against superstitions.
Start with the electromagnetic spectrum.
Learning to distinguish: ionizing and non-esonizing radiation
And then learn to avoid miserable dizziness pages that are just bullshit.
Anyone who has not completely failed in physics knows that radio waves are longer than visible light, under the infrared. And that it cannot be ionizing. Natural Law! Do you even know what the electromagnetic spectrum is?
Only from UV, after the blue of visible light, it becomes dangerous. So sunburn. X-ray, gamma. Nix Radiowave. Your mimrowave is not an X-ray device, it’s a radiowave emitter. Stop believing such a bullshit, that’s megapeinous.
There are numerous animal studies that clearly demonstrate the health hazard potential of 5G. So you better get to know before you talk to other ignorance
Pseudo- and fake studies. It’s radio waves. Obviously you don’t even have a glow from the electromagnetic spectrum! There is no 5G radiation. Once it was the “UMTS radiation”. Then LTE. And now 5G. And what tomorrow? Again a new dummy that is driven through the medial village of unconsciousness and conspiracy!
Radio waves have been part of our lives since 1923. Where are they, all the sick and dead near the sending masts?
Your food supplement must be very urgently called education, and best physics. A study is garbage when they are caught by people with opinions and who never create it in serious journals with Peer Review. Fakejournals don’t count. They’re for consumer arsenic, and you seem to fall on such a bullshit. Man, get some knowledge on it and stop this blur.
Electrosensitivity could not be demonstrated once in a hundred years of intelligent experiments. In the case of good trials, double blinded, everything showed only random results. Can also dice.
Your “studies” aren’t available. If you still want to say it, link it. Come on!
Funny as studies that do not fit into your narrative supposedly do not exist. For all those who, in contrast, really have interest in factual knowledge, here is one of the studies
Costoff RN, Heroux P, Ashner M, Tsatsakis A. Adverse health effects of 5G mobile networking technology under real-life conditions. Toxicol Lett. 2020 May 1;323:35-40. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2020.01.020. Epub 2020 Jan 25. PMID: 31991167.
Jewellery is useless and peasantries. As long as you don’t live in the immediate vicinity of many antennas and somehow your sleep is impaired, I wouldn’t worry.
But once assumed the radiation would actually harm your DNA, then substances help against DNA damage: Hazelnuts (Test losers avoid), lycopene, gallic acid (fitted in brown lenses and triphala), rosemary, heated turmeric, paprika powder (possibly bio due to the generally high pollution of pesticides), sumach, Coq10 (also in chicken hearts), aronia with lemon juice, crocin (richly in the unfamiliar saffron of the highest category), taurine, kiwi,… This happens to end with a versatile diet and regardless of whether 5G hurts you, it still does good to the body.
I don’t suppose that’s what I found out in rats that are caused by 5G DNA ruptures.
Nevertheless, thanks for the tips that most of them I already take.
Mumpitz. Radio waves are not ionizing. Radio waves are LANGWELLIGER as visible light. Only the short-wave ab UV is harmful? Oh, my God, do you wise? And listen to believe Fakemüll!
The only thing that breaks here is reason.
No, there isn’t. No one needs
It is best if you avoid the internet. This has the beautiful side effect that you have no access to TikTok, Telegram and other dizziness channels.
Best supplement ever.
I’ll get one on the market soon, you’re right to protect yourself.
I’m just conducting last tests.
I can then offer you an exclusive start price.
EUR 60 for the monthly package for the 6 monthly package even EUR 300 .
No, my anti-ray powder is much better.
This is nice to have competitors, but powder must be stirred in water or yogurt, where you don’t know what’s going on.
I develop chewing tablets with mint flavor that are activated by chewing 🫣🫣😏
Bargain! With squirrel taste, we may even get into business 😊. Since my S23, I have seen small, green Androids showering through the living room.
Honestly, I’d give you the business. Demand determines the supply.
And are there also chips in which a corona vaccination is “discharged”?
How should food protect against radiation? If you’re on the thumb with the hammer, no supplements will help. And no magnets.
If you put yourself in the sun without sun protection, you get sunburn from the sun rays. There are also no foods or magnets.
The 5G radiation is extremely low compared to the sun.
But it is very dangerous by the many antennas that send very strong. Perhaps it is possible to protect its cells from this high-frequency radiation with less damage to the DNA
Get in the jungle. There’s no network. Better. I have another important message for you. Your Wlan is much worse. Quickly turn off! It has the advantage that we are safe from this sway and scabble.
No… the only thing that can protect against electromagnetic radiation is a Faraday cage and/or a thick lead shield.
All other means and ways that only help if you believe in them – say: Homeopathic
Or even strong magnetic fields which block the radiation from 5G
Then move into a bird cage. I’m sure it’s great, I’m gonna serve the Trill.
No… you can’t block magnetic fields with magnetic fields! Especially since the electromagnetic fields themselves (if it would work) would be as strong as the 5G electromagnetic fields.
Sorry to say: There’s nothing except what I’ve already described you. See my “Where I know” foundation.
That’s really wrong.
A sufficiently strong magnetic field could change the polarization of the 5G waves, thereby deflecting them. By creating scattering effects and thus reducing the signal intensity of 5G.
Don’t be so stupid. Of course, only stones with medium energetic vibration help to neutralize 5G.
Radiation is harmful depending on the wave.
What do you mean, what the sattelits are on you?
Around 5g and tiktok, you don’t worry
Right. There is only the electromagnetic spectrum
There is, but em is everywhere. You can also install n freeshift relays
Try it with dihydrogen monooxide. Has at least no known side effects …
Great – he can also take water. 😉 This helps.
Yes – high-dose cerebellum should help.
Very funny
Intellect, logic and resistance to dizziness would be great.
What’s “very funny”?
That’s not serious?
Hab belongs to an aluminum hat helps