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Nobody’s fucking alone.
It’s just fucking hard to find someone that fits you.
There are many factors such as home, character, appearance, etc.
But the most important thing is to get out of the quark yourself to find someone and get away with many setbacks and that costs time and money (datingapps or bars/ discos).
Yeah, me. Certain circumstances leave nothing else. In rare moments, it’s burdensome, but overall I’ve found myself with it and come out with it.
Hello Mara,
No, no one’s too damned! If you manage to close new contacts faster, you have at least Partial even in the hand! Think about how others perceive you. Are you friendly, open-minded, helpful and smile at people when your eyes meet? Or are you trying to avoid the eyes of others?
How people react to one is often a mirror image of what has been sent to their own signals. There is still the well-known saying: “As you call into the forest, it sounds out.”
So if you want others to be nice and friendly to you, they must feel comfortable in your presence. It is not necessary to wait for Other kind to you, but that You yourself start with it! The more positive you look at others, the more you manage to close contacts and ultimately new friendships.
But what if others don’t seem to like you and maybe even limit you? And how should you react if some let you feel their rejection completely openly by treating you, for example, in a suspicious manner and from above?
Well, you can’t wait, always with All good to come. Some simply do not respond to kindness and kindness; you just have to live with it. Or some may not leave you alone, no matter how kind you are to them. It’s the best thing to keep from such a distance and walk his way. In the known spell Wilhelm Tell it says: “It cannot live in peace if it does not like the evil neighbor.”
Friendship does not arise from this day to tomorrow, but must grow slowly. A lot depends on what you are willing to give to others. Yes, friendships always have with readiness To give to do!
Whoever expects anything from others instead of investing himself will hardly find friends. Here, giving can be something very beautiful. Already in the Bible there are the well-known words: “Happier is giving as reception” (Acts 20:35). Just try it out and you’ll see that it works!
Finally, I would like to draw your attention to something that can be important to you if you believe in God. A friendship with him can become the most important and most valuable in your life!
Did you know that God wants to be ours? Read the recommendation that the Bible gives: “Come on God, and he will approach you” (Jacobus 4:8). How can you do that? By dealing with his word and getting to know God better and better.
Now I wish you to win one or other friend over time! And don’t be too discouraged when you experience disappointments here and there. Consider that it is not about, necessarily many, but good Finding friends. And many of them are enough!
LG Philipp
No, think there is a suitable cover for each pot. No one is damned, you often only really need more than effort and luck, as it is often hard to find people who fit with one..
It always has misfortune in finding or during the relationship. Or you’re not easy as a person. Or illness. Or caused by an accident/crisis for life.
Hello, Mara.😊
Of course there are people who are damned to be alone…
But to be lonely?
No, it doesn’t have to be, it’s for everyone.
Even I live alone, but I’m not lonely.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
I am actually very lonely at the moment, but there are certainly better times.
No, I don’t think and hope.
Only if you are not willing to compromise or if you stink.
There are such people!
I have met such a misfortune on GF and after the event X and his behavior I have come to the conviction that it is not a miracle that he leads such a miserable life!
Every man is forging his happiness.
Or even his misfortunes!
No. But there are people who make sure they are.
People who voluntarily restrict themselves due to their ideology, such as Incels, Femcels, monks and nuns.
… and then best to cry out that they are so lonely incel 🫠🫠🫠
No one is “damaged” to anything. The cards are remixed every day. Of course, you can talk about this in order not to have to leave its comfort zone and to blame others for their own failure.
No, I don’t think
Yes, unfortunately I am such a person. So after this moment, we’ll talk to you every day. So you should have a notebook and a ballpoint pen with you, will write my most important thoughts and my most obvious statements. Everything has to be prepared tomorrow.
I’ll write you back tomorrow. LG