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Jap, a six pack of beer, for example.
My long-term
Some real cocoa, or good chocolate over 70%. And about 1000 supplements. Ashwagandha, valerian, currant, etc.
But still thanks for the answer👍
Sure. I’ve tried a lot of these little things. The best way to relax is to unambiguously relax Cbd. (Always also favorable) Is not really a “food”. Ashwagandha worked very well for a while. LG
And the other things I’ll remember
Oh thank you for the tips😊ashwagandha I have to try once I have already heard that this should help
Chocolate can trigger happiness!
also chocolates?
I believe that this is triggered by a substance in the cocoa, chocolates are probably not the best choice, but certainly goes.
But would be advised to eat whole bag
All the “rough” things 🤷 ♂️
yes flying mushrooms
Seriously? Microdose or how?