Gibt es Länder in denen man den Führerschein regelmäßig erneuern muss, wenn man ihn da gemacht hat und der nicht unbegrenzt gültig ist?

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2 years ago

You mean renew in the sense of a new test? There are many countries where the driving licence has to be extended. This is now also the case. My Canadian driver’s license was valid for example for one year, then a small part had to be extended and the associated Photo ID was valid for 5 years. For too long 😀 but also without retesting.

2 years ago

In many countries driving licences are extended, partly with a kind of examination.

2 years ago


In many countries driving licences are not unlimited.

I have to let my German CE renew every 5 years for medical examination and renewal.

Class B is no longer issued indefinitely.

2 years ago

Since the latest, Germany has also been one of the countries, like all the other EU countries – although no new examination is required, it is only 15 years.

2 years ago

United States