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2 years ago

What do you mean?

Many job markets offer a wide range of filters in search. See more precisely when entering the search criteria – often there is a button “Show more filters” or something. Or also “expanded search”, e.g. at the job market of the employment agency.

If you are looking in very specific areas, it is also often more sensible to go directly to the websites of companies that are active in this area. There you can also find job advertisements that are not included in the job exchanges. Or even those where the public have not set their tags well;).

2 years ago

The Jobbörse is just as good as the keyword you use or used in the alert.

For example, if you are looking for “commercial profession”, other results will come out than with the keywords “Controller”, “Personal Officer” or “Vertriebsachbearbeiter”.

Personally, I find the Job Exchange of Stepstone and Xing very good. Indeed, I find it bad.