Gibt es Jemand der sich für Erdbeben oder sehr für Wetter interessiert?
Ich habe Frühkindlichen Autismus und interessiere mich schon so weit ich denken kann für Wetter. Und seit neuestem auch für Erdbeben. Interessiert sich jemand auch in diese Richtung?
I am interested in most scientific topics, including geology and meteorology. These are not necessarily themes for the small talk in the circle of friends. Most quickly turn off when you go too much into detail.
I’m autist too, but only very mild. It was only diagnosed when I was over 50. In school I might have been the Nerd, but the expression was not yet.
I’m particularly interested in thunderstorms.
Other storms are also interesting.
Of course there are people with such interests. Many people even deal with it professionally.
I don’t know if there’s a job with a combination of both. But each of them is quite normal.
No, such people do not exist. Either you hate strawberries and love weather or you love strawberries and hate weather.
Did I say anything wrong?
Strawberries grow only in earthquakes.
Earthquake is almost the same
Millions of people are interested in millions of things. Some become seismologists and meteorologists, and that must be in their interest.
I have no practical reason to run a Japanese earthquake early warning system on the PC.