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Not everyone. We usually have long-haul aircraft. Some short-haul aircraft have this, but not all of them. And if you have a socket or USB outlet, it does not mean that PED Power also works. It is therefore always very sensible to take a power bank with a maximum of 21,000 mAh.
You can never use any US standard outlets in a kitchen. They have a frequency of 400 Hz instead of 50 Hz, and this can flare off your chargers.
Greetings from the Airliner.
Yes, but no on short distance.
Depends on the airline and route. On long distance there are usually already sockets. On short distance only partially.
mum case of doubt I would recommend taking a corresponding powerbank, just in case
Normally, yes.
May be loaded
If you have a socket on the seat, of course. But I wouldn’t rely on it…
Of course, they’re here.
The normal case does not use anything if you happen to be on the road with an A320 like DAIQT, which was built in 1992 and does not have this possibility…
Thank you.
It depends on the airline. Who and where are you going?
To Turkey
With turkish airlines?
So, in almost all TK aircraft, there are sockets accordingly you should also have them. But it doesn’t have to be the operation.
Is now difficult from what?
TK is flying several airports in Germany and some are often used for long-haul aircraft. Where are you going?