Gibt es in Deutschland kein Payback mehr?
Benötige heute für ein Geschenk dringend Reeses weiß jemand wo ich die in einem Supermarkt/Discounter bekomme? Am besten wäre Kaufland haben die die ?
Meine Stufe bekommt bald ihr Abiturzeugnis und wollten deswegen essen gehen. Ich suche ich nach einem Restaurant mit einer guten Atmosphäre und Speisekarte, wo jeder etwas finden kann. Vielleicht etwas Italienisches, türkisches oder asiatisches.
Sollten die Supermärkte noch länger auf bleiben oder so bleiben oder kürzer öffnen oder auch sonntags öffnen?
Is there still, only Rewe and Penny have died, but Edeka, net and drinking again.
I have the impression that companies with which high shopping sums come about give only a short guest game at Payback. I call Baywa, ATU and OBI.
Huhu, ThaliaNaMi. 😊
There are still Payback points, only Rewe is out there. They have their own system now.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Will definitely be less! Mostly still at online shops or Thalia e.g.; also Penny, I think at least I have no news that they also quit. But is a subsidiary of Rewe and from that…
Don’t pay for me any more.
Did it ever pay you?
Well, yeah! Over the course of the year, about €20 came together. I always liked to be used for Christmas. No murder amount, I know. But I was happy!
Why less? Edeka, Diska and Net have just come…
I didn’t know that yet! For me, this was the Germany Card, and I got a message that net exits there in February.
Good to know! Thank you.
Well…REWE and Penny are out, that’s Edeka, net, market purchase and drinking.
For the Deutschlandcard the air becomes thinner.
What do you think? Of course there’s Payback.
Because, for example, Rewe has abolished this…
If you register with Rewe, you can save directly, the bonus will be charged directly with your purchase!
For example, Edeka purchased… Keep a little realistic!