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Weiß jemand warum einige Züge aktuell über die Riedstrecke (Mainz-Mannheim) umgeleitet werden?
Hat jemand eine Ahnung warum IC‘s und ICE‘s aktuell (ggf. ohne Halt in Worms) größtenteils über die Riedstrecke also über Riedstatt-Goddelau umgeleitet werden? Ich hab dazu keine Information gefunden.. und langsam nervt diese Umleitung auch da sie besonders zu Verzögerungen führt.
There was something so isolated, in some cases only as an attempt – but it would not be known to me anywhere in Germany.
As far as I remember, there was this in Karlsruhe, probably other people here know more.
I’ve never seen or heard of. I don’t think I would be very rewarding
Until 2014 there was this on the line between Düsseldorf and Krefeld, see
The search for a new tenant was unfortunately unsuccessful, the corresponding cars have now been rebuilt and the bistro equipment removed.
In most tram networks there is a party train. There are usually drinks and snacks.
It used to be in the Karlsruhe city railways, but was quickly redeveloped. This is simply not worthwhile, the journey time is too short and you also need additional staff, the costs would have to come back in through sales revenues. You can get a snack at almost every railway station today, either in a kiosk or from a vending machine.
There’s no more. In the past, this was present in a few lines. I know the lines Krefeld – Düsseldorf with Bistro until 2014 and Düsseldorf – Duisburg until 1998.
No, of course not. The duration of stay in trams is far too short as it would be necessary.
Sometimes you can stay there until 1h if you want to drive to the region – ICE trips are sometimes no longer
But in the transhipment to a burger
It’s not necessary for two stations. Why don’t you ask for a toilet? That would make sense.
No, the routes are too short
Right next to the souvenir stand behind the driver.