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Yes, even a lot. I would say that the intestine, besides liver, heart, lung, brain and kidney, is probably one of the most blooded organs.
After all, the intestine is responsible for absorbing nutrients from the food and transferring them to the transport system of the body – and this transport system is now the blood.
In addition, the intestine is in contact with potential dangers, such as poisons and pathogens. This also requires many cells of the immune system – and they are also transported over the blood.
The stomach and the intestine are strongly bleededing organs because they are one of the most working Irganes of the human body.
Not only food intake, but also digestive procedures require an immense work of nerves and blood vessels.
Good luck! 🍀
Oh, yeah!
The blood vessels in the intestinal area have 2 important tasks:
1. You need to provide sufficient energy to the intestine for its work;
2. You must absorb all the nutrients from the food.
They are needed so that the body can absorb the nutrients and minerals that are digested.