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Not anymore.
But there were some, namely when the homo sapiens and the homo neanderthalensis lived on Earth at the same time, there were common descendants
Neandertal DNA is also found in all of us
What makes us 2 % hybrid. ;
I am not quite sure whether the descendants of hybrids still count as such 🤔
Do you have more details?
That’s the problem. A definition from a certain limit would be completely arbitrary. One could agree on F100, as well as on F101 or F99. There is simply no objective criterion. It is clear that there was hybridization and the genetic traces are still detectable today. :
If you had to find out if and if it were evaluated like F400 hybrids, because we would now be about
I only know when cultivating house cat breeds crossed with wild cats, such as the Savannah (Cross House Cat × Serval). The descendants of the first generation are called F1 hybrids. The descendants of this generation combined with a house cat yield F2 hybrids etc. Until the F4, they fall within the EU even under the Washington Convention on Species Protection and are therefore to be treated as wild animals.
Each person has a mixture of genes from different regions of origin. In the course of the past, the most diverse ancestors have repeatedly mixed together. For example, anatomically modern people have witnessed common descendants several times with Neanderthals. To date, in every non-African and many people from North Africa, there are around 2% of gene variants that originate from the Neanderthaler. There has also been hybridization with the Denisova people. And the Neanderthals and Denisovans already hybridized with European populations of Homo erectus. And also in Africa, our ancestors should have hybridized with previously fossil-unknown human lines.
There are no mixed creatures from humans and other species. This is not possible biologically. There are no other mixes of completely different types.
there are neither mixed beings/mixed humans in which man is combined with another being such as a dog, nor are there cyborgs or people who are so strongly technically modified that they can no longer be called humans.
Hybrids exist only in the films or mythology. Lg
A pig human hybrid