Gibt es hier irgendjemanden der leidenschaftlicher echter Kettenraucher ist?

Also 100 Zigaretten am Tage solltet ihr schon rauchen um sich echter kettenraucher zu nennen. Das nur so zum Hinweis.

Ich selbst bin so jemand aber suche gleich gesinnte,

Ist leider nicht mehr so einfach früher war das kein Problem. Das finde ich doof und möchte das ändern.

Also gibt es hier noch echte kettenraucher oder kennt ihr jemanden?

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8 months ago

Just for info, I’m free, it’s 80-100 a day I need. Sometimes more when I smoke twice and triple. The addiction demands it.

9 months ago

I think you’re rolling. Your other posts contradict each other. You started with six, times with nine. You smoke over 100 a day, 400 times. You say smoke doesn’t cause a black lung, sometimes you’re proud that your lungs are so black. In your texts, you sign yourself as a man (chain smoker, not chain smoker), but with your profile image you sign as a woman. I think you’re trying to provoke hatred to smokers.

I smoke about 25 a day, and if I want to enjoy smoking in the company of others I go to my regular pub, GF contacts are not required.

9 months ago
Reply to  hamberlona

since when is in a pub, also the regular pub allowed smoking. Also so-called smoking rooms are not allowed.

9 months ago
Reply to  Aylamanolo

This is allowed in most federal states, in single-room pubs up to 75 sqm. Only in Bavaria, Saarland and NRW not.