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2 years ago

No. There are no “pure” ancestry lines from Celts to today.

The Celts in Southwest Germany were romanticized between 0 and 200 AD. Parts of these galloromers then went from 400 n. Chr. in the Germanenstämmen (Alemannen, Franken, Bayern). It dominated the Germanic part clearly, see language, religion etc.

Since then more than 50 generations have come and gone. The Celtic traces “diluted” continuously. The proportion of the “Keltische” in the German gene pool is now minimal. There is no person who could feel as a Celt.

2 years ago

I am in Austria, but I have French ancestors and a French surname from Brittany and probably from the Celtic.

It would be pointless to talk to me about it, because I have absolutely no idea of the Celts or previous generations of my family.

2 years ago
Reply to  ultrarunner

The Celtic tribes lived from the front Orient to the Balkans, along the Danube to the Atlantic. They also lived south of the Alps and were pushed back to today’s Austria/Oberbayern by the Romans.

2 years ago

The areas south of the Danube and west of the Rhine were Celtic. The Romans called them Gallier and Räter. For the sake of simplicity, the Romans found the term Germans for all who lived north of the Danube and east of the Rhine.

2 years ago

Yes, there is.

2 years ago
Reply to  northland1

According to the law of probability, I should also have Celtic ancestors, although probably strongly diluted. One line of my ancestors came from the Odenwald and another from the Westerwald, where there are Celtic sites.

You like to talk to me. But unfortunately I do not master the Celtic language and do not know too much about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  northland1

“The descendants of the Celts” means that their genes have spread widely in the current population of the Federal Republic of Germany. No matter who you’re talking to, a little Celtic is every conversation partner.

2 years ago

Ah, interesting. This is of course all not a classic Celtic settlement area.

2 years ago

Like I said, I don’t know. But since my ancestors came partly from areas where Celts lived, it has a certain probability. It may be natural that all of them were immigrated from elsewhere – but before the invention of the railroad, people usually did not move so far.

But Celtism doesn’t affect me in any way.

Where do your ancestors come from, as you can see it?

2 years ago

Of course, not all new citizens, although the Celts have come quite far around at least in Europe, and we do not even know exactly where they have come to Europe.

2 years ago

No matter who you’re talking to, a little Celtic is every conversation partner.

The “new citizens”? I’m not so sure…

2 years ago

You are also a descendant of the Celts:

2 years ago
Reply to  northland1

and applicable

2 years ago

Almost every European has Celtic shares in his gene pool…