Gibt es Garantie bei Kleidung?
Wenn man online bestellt, das Kleidungsstück schlechte Qualität hat und es zerreißt? Kann man es zurückschicken wie als wäre es Elektronik, dass plötzlich den Geist aufgegeben hat?
Wenn man online bestellt, das Kleidungsstück schlechte Qualität hat und es zerreißt? Kann man es zurückschicken wie als wäre es Elektronik, dass plötzlich den Geist aufgegeben hat?
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Hallo Ich habe was bei ebay verkauft und derjenige hatt mir ein sceemshot geschickt und er hatt es freit um 14.22 geschickt der buchungstag und werkstellungstag ist gleich nur kamm bei mir nichts an an und es ist samstag was liegt das.von sparkasse zu volksbank?
Wie findet ihr diesen Shop?
The non-applying garment is sent back to the trader by the right of withdrawal.
However, in the same state in which you got it.
Basically yes. Only it is also possible to check whether there is actually a weakening of the seam or material or whether there is a crack image which indicates improper treatment. Then the manufacturer can refuse the warranty.
I have a case like that. Two pants bought and both are broken. The one was broken when dressing. And even in some slight movements, I heard a slight tear.
I’ve never destroyed pants before, and I’m not wearing them. I’d take it back to the thin fabric and the bad seams. I wrote manufacturers but he refuses.
No manufacturer MUSS give a warranty.
A guarantee is a voluntary performance of the manufacturer.
If he does not guarantee himself, there is none.
If he gives warranty, he can set the conditions himself (circle, duration etc).
In your case, it would be more likely to secure.
This is required by law. Your contact is the seller.
Unfortunately, the dealer refuses to have demanded the warranty without any evidence.
What evidence? You’re complaining in writing, sending him the goods, asking for repair (which is probably not possible) or new delivery.
With a seller abroad, it could be difficult to impossible. I don’t know.
Why is a foreign trader not affected by it or what is the reason?
Guarantee is the right to repair from the seller.
This has nothing to do with warranty or the manufacturer.
There is no flat-rate statement because this can be handled by any seller/trader as it is popular with him.
So if every seller manages it as he wants, you have no guarantee in principle?
You asked for a guarantee. This is NOT a guarantee according to BGB.
With such a statement, there’s only one. Sit, six.
Enlightenment: Visit any Habdelsschule – 1. Class BWL is enough. 🤷 ♂️
But I asked if I could send the clothes back.
Read your question carefully, because exactly what you did not ask.
I wonder if I can return a garment after 5 months because it’s too easy to tear.
…and eat?
No, no guarantee; You broke it, the dress didn’t give up the ghost!
Well, electronics don’t just give up the mind like that, but you’re using it all NORMAL and it’s broken. It goes without saying that the clothing is not broken when it remains in the wardrobe. That would mean there is no guarantee of dresses, but this is not the case now.
after 5 months because it is too easy to break.
I’ve never had any clothes – either after 5 months or 5 years – torn; But I also respect good quality.
Tip: No cheap China goods buy
Never happened to me. That’s why I insist. Because it’s not normal for me to break two pants so easily within 5 months. Even in 5 years, I’ve never done anything like that.
But is not a China commodity or at least I ordered it from France.
Would be really great if someone could answer my question if I had a chance to deliver a replacement or even refund. Unfortunately, they don’t let them convince…