Are there any photos from space?

I was discussing it with a friend who believes that the whole space exploration is a lie and gives the reason that there are no "real" photos of planets or the Earth from space, only computer-generated images.

I argued that I am not sure whether there are "real" images and if not, I think that it must be due to the conditions in space, the distance and the technology that makes it impossible to take conventional photographs.

Do you know the reason?

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1 year ago

There are even live streams and videos from the ISS.

And this photo was taken by Harrison Schmitt (a astronaut of Apollo 17) on 7th. December 1972 with an analog 70-Millimeter-Hasselblad medium format camera. It’s not computer animated, so the Earth looks like it. (in the Wikipedia article, the photo can also be hugely violated by three clicks)

Why aren’t there any stars? Because the light reflected from the earth is too bright and the camera is not light-sensitive enough. Similar to the light of the sun scattered in the atmosphere during the day on the surface of the earth, stars cannot be seen, because our eyes are not light-sensitive enough to see their light much weaker than that of the sun.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rjinswand

You’re welcome.

1 year ago

Open google maps. Tap on sattelite view. Then have photos from the world space.

At nasa you will find tons of photos which have been dittalized from the old photos of the Apollo missions.

The ISS streams live:

It’s greade on the night. Below is the position of the ISS. In about 30 -40 minutes or so the earth should be seen again.

From planets there are pile-wise images of the different probes. These are certainly also somewhere to find. Otherwise you can also look at the planets yourself. You just need a good telescopic for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rjinswand

IdR. are the NO CGI, but digital reworked recording of digital cameras whose images have been sent digitally by radio.

Who’s still doing film/polaroid photos today? Even the photos of machines are now only printed versions, shot by Digicam.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rjinswand

New? This is certainly because there were hardly any missions to the moon or otherwise missions that turn around the earth. Why should I finally photograph the Earth if I’m on my way to Mars?

Apart from that, the ISS streams live for ages.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rjinswand

What do you think?

She eats, makes good and new images of the earth every day. In addition, you will hardly find pictures of the entire earth, because these are simply not made very often.

1 year ago

I have already photographed planets through the telescope, everyone can see them through telescopes themselves. There’s only one – other friends looking.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rjinswand

Man can discuss

for a certain time you can try this. But if one finds that one does not get to the sawdust in the head, one must also let go, otherwise it makes one sick. I know what I’m talking about. And if they reach the majority with sawdust, democracy is over. It happened before.

1 year ago

Of course there are photos taken in space.

These are a few examples.

1 year ago

The side of our space driver “Alexander Gerst” should provide you with information – whether this convinces your friend…??

1 year ago

The Internet swells over from “real” excellent space photos. If you don’t find it, you won’t find it “real” Images of castles and castles or meadows and forests.

1 year ago

Since the end of the 50s, the Earth has been photographed almost permanently from space.

Your friend’s assertion that such photos are made of computer-generated graphics is untenable because up to the 1980s there were hardly any possibilities to generate such images artificially.

It should not be able to convince your friend of the inaccuracy of his theses. Conspiracy theorists build complex thought structures to underpin their ruthless assumptions, which they arbitrarily expand if they are refuted in danger.

I recommend you Ockhams Razor and simply ask yourself questions:

  • why, should there be no photos of the earth if proven to circle 1000 satellites around the earth?
  • What interests do we have to generate fictional images of the Earth if, since the 15th of the 16th century, quite detailed cartographic representations of the Earth have been given and satellite photos have only had to substantiate and clarify these since the 20th century?
  • Who would have an interest in it instead of detailed photos showing the Earth how it is to show any fakes.


Absurd… all of the fact that there were/is various power blocks on our earth prevents any counterfeiting. Even the moon landing of the Americans (Apollo 11) on 21. In July 1969, counterfeiting was observed by the Soviet Union as a prudent and independent counterfeiting would have been a found food for the ” superiority” of the socialist countries. And even at this first moon mission, the earth was photographed from space!

Very simple questions that do not require any intentions for conspiracy, and allei comes up with the simple answer: “Because we can”.

1 year ago

This is one of the most stupid “arguments” of the conspiracy theorists ever. The background is that for many years only digital cameras have been used and the VTlers simply claim that digital photos are not real photos. All digital photos, which are made, for example, by the ISS, are generated in their eyes only on the computer.

Of course, that’s bare nonsense, but you can’t convince a VTler. You don’t have to. Space has been available for longer than digital cameras and therefore there are countless analogue photos from earlier times, with negative and developed image.

The best known example is the Apollo missions. Of which over 15,000 photos and videos were taken and you can see them all here:

All photos good old analogue and mostly also with existing negatives. If that doesn’t convince your friend, it’s no more to help him and you should leave his bladder.

1 year ago

Of course there are real images of the Earth from space, among the most famous are the pictures “Earthrise” (1968 recorded by Apollo 8) and “Blue Marble” (recorded in 1972 by Apollo 17), both photographed in a classic way:

1 year ago

can it be that your friend has the opposite of “artificial intelligence”?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rjinswand

that explains a lot, but is almost a contradiction. dreams and childlike naivety to hard facts remind more of children who do not want to realize that osterhase and christmas are inventing the adult.

1 year ago


Yes, there are real photos from space. But as you wrote…. Your friend will most likely doubt the authenticity of these photos.

1 year ago

There are many pictures from space. Probes have taken pictures, for example, or the Marsrover. For example, you can find them on YouTube if you are looking for them.

1 year ago

There have been real images from space for over 50 years, and this is also commonly known.

Can it be that your friend belongs to the less educated layer and/or conspiracy theorist?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rjinswand

But usually go hand in hand.

1 year ago

There are very probably real pictures from space, but yes it is correct that most photos are computer-generated (is significantly easier etc)

1 year ago
Reply to  Hansikanzie

You have to specify that…

Until a year ago there were no public AIs that sucked any pictures from the circuits…

Until then, computer graphics were designed exclusively by people. …and they took photos as templates.

Have you ever thought that there might be no kisses?

In the cellars of ChatGPT, Google and M$ hocken million children to whom the adrenochrome was sucked. This is naked at small terminals, chatting with users, painting pictures and inventing texts…

Shit, now I’ve fucked myself, I gotta go… The lizards are certainly on my heels…😱

1 year ago

I am always happy when I can make people happy with my black humor (…and other beings accredited on earth)

1 year ago

yes, of course there are pictures from space!
When the whole “space research” is enraged, I wonder what are all scientists doing on the planet, drinking coffee and thinking out stupid stories?
Better find new friends…
And stupid “conspiracy theorists” you can’t convince, just has no sense.

I tried to speak constructively with a “flatter.” Talking with the white wall is easier…
I’ve never heard such a nonsense…

1 year ago

We can’t know why the friend stayed back like this. But I’m just answering for a friend.

1 year ago

Photos? There are even films from space… can ask your friend how satellite TV works and where he thinks the signal comes from.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rjinswand

your “friend” neither.
a small tip: New friends, new views 🤔