Are there any cases where Bettas and Endler Guppies got along?
Just out of interest, are there any cases where Bettas got along with Endler Guppies and would it be worth a try?
Just out of interest, are there any cases where Bettas got along with Endler Guppies and would it be worth a try?
I put neon tetras in my aquarium today, since then my guppies have only been swimming on top?
Hello, I've had my 54-liter aquarium for a month. Two guppies died a few days ago. They both looked very damaged. Today I looked in my aquarium and two more have died. I now have 6 guppies, 6 armored catfish, 4 shrimp and a few snails left. I really don't know why… the water values…
Good day, I have a question: My tetras are acting panicked. They have their stress coloration, and when you get close, they race around. That wasn't the case before. The water parameters are exactly the same as before. My catfish and gourami are behaving normally. I don't know what could be wrong. I urgently need…
Hello everyone, I have a 40-liter aquarium with three shrimp and a betta. As you can see in the attached pictures, a strange, greasy layer has formed on the water's surface. My questions would be: 1. Is this layer dangerous for my animals in the tank or is it harmless? 2. What could be the…
Hey I wanted to ask if anyone knows what species of catfish, preferably L-catfish, I can keep in a 180-liter tank, how many of each, and whether it's theoretically possible to keep larger species in there until they reach a certain size and then transfer them to a larger tank? Would that cause stunted growth…
Do newts close their eyes when they sleep or do amphibians not do that?
Yes, there was.
Try worth it? No, it’s too risky.
Both small-scale tanks, preferably next to each other than holding one another.
It’s summer. 12/18 l Basin on the window bench, with plants stuffing, fish(s) pure, gaze ðŸTM‚
where would the question be?
Yeah, either Betta or Endlerguppys thought?
No would not be worth trying
Don’t worry, the fighting fish would have too much stress.