Gibt es einen Verlag, welcher sich meinen Text anschaut und ihn kritisiert?

Ich habe vor einigen Wochen angefangen einen englischen Text zu schreiben, kennt ihr einen guten Verlag, welcher mir helfen würde?

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3 months ago

In principle, every publisher you could convince that they want to move your work, the editor’s office is free.

The problem is that your text may not be orthographic and stylistic enough to convince the publisher (Henne-Ei problem). Then you should look for an editor*in. They are often self-employed nowadays.

If you want to get insight into the topics around Lektorat, look at the channel of Melina Coniglio:

She is a self-employed editor (also offering her services) and on her channel you can see things at the end of a editorate and tapps for authors from the standpoint of a editor.

However, make sure that it becomes expensive, about 5 – 10 euros per standard page (one standard page is 1500 -1800 characters so 250+/- 30 words)

For everything else, I refer to my answers to similar questions:

3 months ago

I can recommend you the editorate of Koda-Lektorat. Very nice, very accurate, good cooperation and price really within the framework (compared to many others):

3 months ago

Publishing doesn’t do that. This power is also usually associated with costs. You can look for a freelance editor.

3 months ago
Reply to  sportsfreundev

In the VFLL, e.g.