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9 months ago


The one (FPS) how many images per second are generated by the GPU

The other (Hz) how many images per second can reproduce your monitor.

Ideally both run synchronously (freesync / g sync or activate to the Not vsync)


9 months ago

Unclear question. For example, with CRT-TV, there is the PAL standard, which in Europe was mostly operated with 50Hz, which means 50 half-images = almost 25 full-images per second.

Depending on the standard, Hz can also stand for example for the number of half-images, resulting in other full-image rates.


9 months ago

FPS (Frames per second) means image per second. This can also be done freely Frequency translate. Hertz In contrast, general Unit of measurement. See Wiki:

“TheHertz(unit character: Hz) is the Si unit of frequency. It indicates the number of repeating operations per second in a periodic signal. …..”

For example, we distinguish between image frequency and line frequency in the monitor.

9 months ago


FPS (frames per second = images per second). This number indicates how many images your device generates per second. Hertz specifies the repetition frequency, so how often your device can change the image per second. For example, if you have a 144 Hertz monitor and create your PC 200 FPS, you will only see 144 because the monitor can no longer. If you have a 60 Hertz monitor and your PC only creates 30 FPS (example values), then you only have 30 FPS even if the monitor could be more

9 months ago

Hertz means the resolution of the image. Fps means how much images are liked per second.

9 months ago

– Yeah.