Gibt es einen Schlagschrauber der 14000 Nm packt?

ich musste heute auf arbeit einen bolzen anziehen der mit 14000 Nm angezogen werden soll nun ist meine frage ob es nicht einfach einen Schlagschrauber gibt der diese schon genannten 14000 Nm packt und daher das ich keinen online gefunden habe frag ich hier

Ps: ich kann mir schon vorstellen das wenn es einen gibt das der extrem groß ist

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2 years ago

4500 Nm are the upper limit. NITRAM said everything. What do you want to solve or tighten with such a high torque? You’d turn everything away.

2 years ago
Reply to  Schwein2001

You should put 1427 kg at the end of a lever of one meter length. Such tightening torqueases are empirically determined. It is not enough to simply apply until the required torque is reached. The material is also stressed by torsion during tightening. This tension has to go. For this purpose, the screw/nut 1/6 revolution is subsequently released. That’s why a little more has to be dressed beforehand. Cylinder heads on high-volume engines have been drawn with a defined torque. Then 5 1/6 turns in addition to two and back to the end 1/6.

2 years ago
Reply to  martinreschke

Thanks for your star.

2 years ago

that will not only be big and heavy but also have a fair price.

6 months ago

I think you’ve done your problem? Torques in the order of magnitude are only processed for “pre-suiting” with percussion screwdriver and then with a hydraulic screwdriver. From Hitorc, or Enerpac there are devices up to over 100,000 Nm. In operation, reactor covers with special bolts are tightened. The devices go up to 220.000 Nm