Gibt es einen rationalen Grund, sich nicht umzubringen?

Also ich rede jetzt nicht von mir, ob ich betroffen bin oder nicht ist jetzt egal, aber ich hab schon mit mehreren leuten darüber diskutiert und habe immer gewonnen, weil jeder immer nur mit “buhuhu deine familie, deine freunde” und so gekommen ist, aber nie einen richtigen Grund genannt hat, der mich überzeugen könnte.

was sagt ihr?

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9 months ago

With the suicide you take the chance of new positive experiences.

9 months ago
Reply to  iliketrains721

Positive experiences can affect thinking and feeling sustainably.

Of course, it is not enough to have fun in depression for an hour. It must be permanent changes or incisive experiences.

9 months ago

That would be a question that belongs to your therapy. Are you meanwhile?

Completely rational? We don’t know what’s coming after death. Maybe it won’t be better than this world. It is more appropriate to make the best of this world. Rational we cannot rule out that one of the religions with eternal condemnation of suicide is not true. To end your own life prematurely could draw a few million unsightly years in the next world.

Death comes with many unanswered questions and thus also risks. Rational does not make sense to face these risks earlier than necessary.

9 months ago

Yes, life is not a pony farm. It is a mean and ugly place and will crush you if you allow it.

Personally, I definitely see reasons to live on. But can also understand that there are some have not 😉

9 months ago

I think there is a rational reason to think:

If you don’t, you can make other choices in your life and you can also make another experience. It may be that you do not see these experiences as beautiful, but you ask for rational reasons.

It doesn’t matter rationally, because this kind of feeling that the experience has no value is not rational. It may be that you have written that your feeling is unpleasant, but here is the rational answer that you can also overcome it.

So you may doubt the rationality of reasons, but there is no rational reason to kill yourself. If you think that you understand that everything that people want is not rational, then that would also apply to your idea of not wanting to live.

Of course, there is also the question of concrete: when it comes to a boy who is about 16 years old and thinks so pessimistic that he wants to kill himself, then the question arises, what makes him so pessimistic. In your position, it is so that within the rational one, nothing essentially distinguishes you from the other young people of your age. The only thing that matters there is this tendency from you to the strongly pessimistic thinking.

There is a clear rational reason not to kill yourself. The rational thinking boy recognizes in your place that actually the whole extent of his pessimism is not rational and therefore it is important to change thinking in this area and not think so pessimistic. Because you have the same chances as the other young people, it doesn’t make any rational sense to kill you.

9 months ago
Reply to  BBasti89M

Also the possibility to acquire rational thinking for the future would be another rational reason for not being killed.

9 months ago
Reply to  iliketrains721

Oh, dear. But how would that happen that you were different from the others?

9 months ago

There is no rational reason to kill yourself.

9 months ago
Reply to  iliketrains721

In your case, it is very likely that it will help in the end.

Didn’t it even do that?

9 months ago
Reply to  iliketrains721

Then it is the wrong therapy

9 months ago

Then I’ll press the thumbs. Let’s not give up hope.

9 months ago

and what do your parents say? Aren’t they gonna take you to a real therapy place?

9 months ago

Find a proper therapy place. Waiting times are almost 2 years, but with engagement you can also get a therapy place very quickly, easily within less than 2 months.

A therapy, a proper therapy you urgently need!

9 months ago

I can only assume she doesn’t have it. You may also ask for this, which is usually not bad

9 months ago

That’s a shame. Does she actually have the training for psychological psychotherapist?

And will you, according to your parents, get a therapy place?

9 months ago

That’s a shame. What’s that about? Didn’t your parents call you well enough around?

9 months ago

How can you say that the therapy doesn’t help you if you don’t have a therapist?

9 months ago

You know why? Isn’t the therapist like you?

9 months ago

I am not suicidal anymore

That’s why you’re asking this question.

I’ve never thought about suicide in my life.

And believe me, I’m not just much older than you, but I’ve been through more bad, stressful situations and diseases.

9 months ago
Reply to  iliketrains721

I don’t need a glass ball. I read your questions.

9 months ago

I don’t want to know. And now let it be good

9 months ago

This is a deeply subjective decision. That is, the question is not whether others can call you rational reasons, but whether you can find them for you, for which it is worth living. Others can certainly call you their reasons, and there may be something that might convince you (because you can feel it), but ultimately you have to find the reasons for yourself. Because we don’t know your life, we don’t know what potential there is in your life…

My advice would be that with a professional person you illuminate the reasons for and against life. If you think about suicide, you are often in such an ambivalence: you think so, and so. You can then think together, for example: What does the part that is against life need to live again?

I don’t know if that helps you because I think you need to find your own reasons, but reasons for me are:

  • Dune 3 (I am big dune fan and very hot on the third part of the trilogy of Denis Villeneuve)
  • I still have the opportunity to make careers (and I also want to).
  • there are some people I like, and with whom I would like to experience more.
  • There are activities that I like to do more often.
9 months ago
Reply to  iliketrains721

Okay, so this is more a philosophical exercise?

9 months ago

Definitely, your therapist and your mother hopes that it will be easier and better for you with time and that will make it feel much easier and better. I think that has worked very well with many other people.

9 months ago

Whether a rational and above all objective reason can convince someone not to take life, I doubt.

For rationality does not matter to the person concerned. This decision is a mere decision of feeling, to which rational thoughts hardly have access.

That is why I also think that the attempt to stop people from suicide has to be put on an emotional level.

Only from possibility to hear, to be able to experience many beautiful things, someone will not be convinced of the survival. Something like that, in small steps (he) feel and experience. Often a trust relationship with a therapist is sufficient as a basis.

9 months ago

Suicide leads above all to inconceivable, yes to stamina, not tortuous pain in the survivors

purely rationally, he leads a bit far to stay on earth. To express this rationality is, of course, not what a semi-sensical person does

9 months ago
Reply to  iliketrains721

I can also understand this

9 months ago

You save preparation for the suicide and do not have to consider which method you can apply.
There is also no risk that it does not work.

9 months ago

Because you only have a life. If you throw this away, there is no return. You don’t experience anything positive that could come.

9 months ago

So I’m not talking about whether I’m affected or not now doesn’t matter, but I’ve been discussing it with several people and I’ve always won

Fact is: You’re talking about yourself.

You still believe that you win discussions….

And if I listen to this, you’re more likely to feel like you’re blocking.

Therapeutic help would be advisable.

9 months ago
Reply to  iliketrains721

A look at your and this question is enough to prove the opposite.

9 months ago

Jepp is the same

9 months ago

Suicidal and Suicide-prone is the same

9 months ago

Ne, death is the most beautiful thing that can only happen to me in this terrible world

9 months ago

I don’t know a reason to kill me. Only if I had an incurable disease and would suffer very much from it. There’s nothing more to do or just with great pain. Otherwise not.