Gibt es einen Kaugummi Ersatz?
Auf was kann man rumkauen oder drauf rumbeißen, wenn man nervös ist? Bekomme von Kaugummis Kieferschmerzen auf Dauer und kenne noch Zahnstocher aber die hängen zu sehr aus dem Mund und das ist zu sichtbar. Kennt wer was anderes?
Dry fruit…
And a handful of nuts if you have no allergies.
And as a very potent energy supplier, you should only take one hand full of it.
Otherwise you could increase it.
Better learn, then you’re not nervous.
Chewing increases the thinking power by oxygen supply in the brain…
Question not read?
I was on UNI and it was not allowed.
You don’t know me!
First. And because I’m too stupid 🤣
No one controlled this – we’re not in primary school…
Yeah, just the typo or because you don’t have any arguments?
‘At the Oni’.. 🤣🤣🤣 And so I’m out, good night 😂
But the opposite is guilty, so back S C H W A C H S I N!!!
At the oni, however, no gum is allowed in tests, since knowledge and not only oxygen counts in the mind.
I actually had the best results in the areas where learning didn’t bring anything but attention, messer-sharp thinking, concentration etc. and there helped chew clearly. At the university later you may be asked what you did not learn at all – called transfer performance. In this respect, mental presence and optimized brain activity helps usf.
And you still don’t know if this is about a test situation.
No one is nervous before an exam when you learn.
How do you know he didn’t learn? And even if you’ve learned, you can be nervous regardless of it. completely non-consistent nonsense you’re doing here.
For example, for the examination that is before him. Chewing gum does not help when you learn nix.
That wasn’t me – he was supposed to chew something swallowable…
Ahja? What do you think the questioner should learn better?
*Sorry, question goes to @Melody888
Pure mischief is just your answer.
You shouldn’t chew when you speak because you’re badly understood – otherwise it’s unauthorized… By the way, I get gum on my way to the dentist – also relieves the stress…
On many occasions or tests it is not allowed to chew gum or other. What are you doing?
Nothing is no substitute for something.
I have read them completely, unlike you and given an alternative.
You can also ask the question.
If you haven’t read the question completely, be quiet.
Your answer is not a substitute.
The question of the FS still not properly read?
So he has good thinking performance and stress reduction – no matter how much he learns…