Gibt es einen Haken an diesem PC?ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=9YAE5R34CH4Z&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Qmi3lzJapDN9VXESunfKc7WfFYeGxG7uJO3sHtfBEILFfoYyIQZgLFWRxDVyIGpXdqtdBldodREXOXXJtFLBCdmAan6SqyrAue01oUCXSC4nIS6G-DNSEkY5vg6G0DBvuRdyh_AzGTvSNAMLGJ6y95oRnCdfmL30Z3Wcoy6mKDCA6br34Y4CF1BUpPb_nqzNRPhqScJH7B-XXISJc3lRN__m9Jj2vVZd5h2QzYoz4Q4.yyfhK1ag-Qky4xnri6Ljo7KA0xIeLVzBgwmwWnHzWkY&dib_tag=se&keywords=shinobee+gaming+pc&qid=1725484526&sprefix=shinobee+gaming+pc%2Caps%2C80&sr=8-3
Moin zusammen,
ich möchte mir einen neuen PC kaufen, da meiner langsam in die Jahre kommt. Ich habe allerdings absolut keine Ahnung vom Selbstbau und mein Umfeld auch nicht, dementsprechen muss es ein Fertiger sein. Dass die oft deutlich teuer sind, ist mir bewusst. Allerdings fühlt sich der obere vergleichsweise günstig an, wenn man sich viele andere PCs anschaut. Gibt es bei dem einen Haken oder ist er tatsächlich preiswert (für einen Fertigbau)?
Danke für die Hilfe 😉
there is not just a hook…
And then they do not boast a cheap PC. It’s true… they’re turning that thing overpriced.
Here you have a better system for the money:
The higher-quality and current components are installed. Upgrading can also be better
A hook?
11gen Intel (is giving 3 new genes)
3000 RAM (who has to look for garnix at all)
Well, the rest has a right of existence. Also ne HDD speed is specified. Hopefully, she’s out of place.
I was told that you should use a maximum of 12th genes because the 13th and 14th should have any mistakes. Is that right?
That’s true. They are currently supplied with too high voltage and smoke. A new microcode is already done, but there are still problems individually.
But better would be an AMD 7xxx that saves a lot of power and offer better performance in gaming
Top thanks!
Ready PCs on Amazon are always a tricky thing. If it is to be a finished PC, what I can understand well, then I would advise you to a German system configurator.
This PC on Amazon is sold by the brand “shinobee”. If you look at the trustpilot entries to this seller, it doesn’t look like you’re getting what you’re paying for.
Of course, a 4070 and a i9 sound good for 1100 euros, but if you look at the generation and the remaining components AND given the reviews on a third party, it looks more like you really get that.
I would rather take a few hundred euros into my hands and order them from a reputable PC configurator based in Germany. You get a guaranteed guarantee that you pay for and everything is packaged and delivered professionally. And if anything shouldn’t be right, the German legal path is open to you.
I can only recommend dubaro, which make really good PCs and you can even assemble them yourself and replace individual components. And for similar prices you get something really reasonable
Just because of RAM, GPU and CPU, I felt so “cheap”, from motherboard etc. I have no idea. Thank you!
Yes, the problem is that 32 GB of RAM are not equal to 32 GB of RAM… That’s really a nausea like any deceivers people who can’t deal with PCs as much or want to pull them off. DDR4 RAM is slowly outdated when you buy today a new PC you should get DDR5 RAM, which clocks much higher and thus also provides correspondingly more power. The i9 is also deceptive. An i5 of the current generation brings much more performance to the table than an oller i9.
On trustpilot, people write the PCs of shinobee would get broken, one even reports that the device was delivered in a shoe box. I’m very glad you asked again here and could prevent this mistake.
If I can help you any more, please let me know
For 1350, I would recommend the PC in the link. It costs 150 euros more than the Amazon PC, but you get a sturdy CPU from AMD, which has been really tough CPUs and Intel for years. To this end, a 4070 Super, over which you can’t complain for the money, ne 1TB m.2 SSD. The m.2 SSDs are really super hard drives that keep longer and are faster than the old traditional HDDs. 32 GB DDR5 memory and a motherboard with AM5 socket.
Due to the fact that the DDR5 has RAM and the AM5 socket for the CPU, the PC is also easily upgradeable in the future. This becomes more difficult in the next few years with an AM4 base and DDR4 RAM.
I wouldn’t change anything at all at that, too, is a good combination of components. Unless you want another housing and additional hard disk space, you can book it, but of course you will also cost more. The graphics card should also be finished with the model, you only have to open the case once you arrive to remove the transport foam and can then do it again and release it.
Attention! Windows is not included with the PC, so if you still need a Windows license and you want to have pre-installed it during the ordering process, it costs 80 euros more. In addition, it does not have a Wi-Fi card that you would have to buy if you want to use Wi-Fi, as well as the Windows license. But if you have a LAN cable, it doesn’t matter
Gamer PC Ryzen 5 7500F with RTX4070 SUPER DLSS3 (
I’m too happy. Then I will also use Trustpilot in the future, thank you very much!
Oh! I really miss the words! There was enough to say to the hooks.
Brief description of me: One of the worst configurations I’ve ever seen! Absolute Scam!
If it is essential to be a finished PC, I recommend buying at dubaro.
Brutal inefficient CPU on nem far too weak motherboard with undersized CPU cooler, recirculating air oven as housing and barbecue lighter as power supply
This is much better for money
That sounds cruel, then I’ll let it go
I edit the answer once, with nem link to nem far better
The hardware is 3 years old, absolutely no longer up2date and in the case you have with the fan config n oven.
Get the (Dubaro builds them together, if you need to install the GraKa max.) Editions/HardwareDealz-1000-Edition::3684.html
Has significantly more power and current AM5 platform with DDR5 RAM.