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Was ist plötzlich passiert? Ich habe meine Steuererklärung über taxfix bearbeitet und wollte es übermitteln am ende kam diese Nachricht! Die anderen 4 Jahre waren alle okey
It is only a change in wage tax classes 3/5 to 4/4!
There can be lower monthly incomes per year, but as before, there can be receivables from the tax office at Constellation 3/5 and at 4/4, as there is always money back.
But under the year it is as described in the (errorious) Meme less in the purse and at the end of the year from the tax office.
It’s just a fraction of the whole truth.
You are the only one of the answerers here I understand and I come from Vienna, Austria 😊. Here it is exactly the same -> You have to go in advance and “dispute in year” before you get the “glorious repayment” from the tax office 😆. PS. And that in the massive inflation that prevails at the moment, at this massive price increase and on the income side no longer comes pure 🧐.
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This is about the transition tax class 3/5 to 4 with factor
The tax class has exactly 0 effects on the amount of the total IT to be paid. It only regulates under-year advance payments under the wage tax.
Nothing but hot air again.
This is about a supposed abolition of the tax class combination 3/5.
For the first time, the tax class has no effect on the tax to be fixed, but is only an advance payment on the income tax and this is then counted in the tax ruling and the paid tax is exactly the same after the tax ruling on the cent, no matter which tax class you had previously chosen.
So far, this is only in the coalition agreement, and now there has been a report in the Bild Zeitung on which everyone falls.
Last year, the same Sau was driven through the village in the media and claims to the 01.07.2023 the tax classes 3/5 fall away and nowadays both still exist.
The fact that an abolition actually comes is not even decided in principle.
You should know how the control system works.
The wage tax and the wage classes are a pre-tax.
Mostly calculated that it is plus minus zero
At the beginning of next year, everything is calculated together.
It makes absolutely no difference
Now everything has to be pressed out of coal.
It would be helpful to understand the tax system and also what it is all about. What is NOT going to happen is to increase taxes somehow.
But I’d rather get a couple of angry words, rather than thinking. That’s easier, isn’t it?