Gibt es eine Möglichkeit mit ein LAN-Anschluss Wlan zu bekommen?

Hab in meiner neuen Wohnung nur Lan-Anschlüsse und mein Vermieter meint ich brauche ein Repeater aber wo ich in Medimax war meinte der Verkäufer Nein sie brauchen ein Router.

Danke in Voraus für eure Antworten

Mit freundlichen Grüßen TypischAres

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2 months ago

That’s both so half. You need an access point for WLAN, this is installed in a repeater as well as in such a consumer all in one router. But it only brings you something if you can connect your Wi-Fi to the internet.

You need a suitable router for the Internet connection.
He manages a network at home and connects it to the Internet.

If you already have internet access and a private network, bsp. because your landlord provides this (here uncommon, but possible), then a repeater or pure access point would actually also suffice. However, a better router that has built in WLAN, such as a Fritz Box, can do this just as well (clearly, then it also has more built-in what you might not need in this case, so perhaps simply more expensive).

If you have no Internet access, just book a matching contract, the router can be rented cheaply or is included in the price. You can also buy the router yourself, but of course you have to fit the connection type.

2 months ago

A router translates requests from multiple devices to one connection.

The provider gives you an IP that you can use. A router assigns your own IPs to the IP that is then transferred to the provider.

A repeater forwards WLAN packages, he “recovers” the packages, therefore the name. “retrieved” the either in another WLAN network or on another LAN cable network.

Now it depends on what you actually have. The apartment has LAN cables. But how does “the Internet” arrive? Will internet be delivered to the LAN cans in the apartment? This is rather rare, because then the landlord should have a contract with the provider and then give you access via his router.

Normally you get from a provider DSL, fiber optic or cable network. This is then plugged to a router and you can then plug it to the LAN cable of the apartment so that you can use its devices in the different rooms via LAN Kabelk to the router. The LAN in the apartment can therefore be understood as an extension cable.

2 months ago


there have been many good answers. :

However, we can only describe different scenarios. It would be helpful if you gave us more details, as was already asked.

Is there a contract for the landlord? Is it a residential community or, for example, a student residence that already provides all accommodation units with internet? Then we’re in the Access Point scenario.

Best regards


2 months ago

A router is a WLAN Acesspoint incl. Modem!

An AcessPoint is only sufficient if the LAN is actually connected to the iNet, for example in office buildings or student residences. In new private houses there may be LAN jacks, but they are rarely directly connected to iNet, which is why one usually needs a router AND an iNet contract, for example with Deutsche Telekom, or a cable provider.

2 months ago
Reply to  Spikeman197

A router does not necessarily include a modem.

2 months ago

These are too few information. What exactly is this place? A normal or some community? What are the possibilities for internet access?

A router is always used for access itself nowadays.

It may be that you have in the hall somewhere a small distributor box in which all the cables run onto a patch panel. But you’d have to tell us first.

2 months ago

Yes, you need a router to make Wi-Fi from the LAN connection. The router converts the wired signal into WLAN. A repeater is not necessary. Good luck! Best regards W18

2 months ago
Reply to  Yukiiedits

No it needs an AccessPoint (provided on the Lan jacks on the Internet), a router serves to connect different separate networks.

2 months ago
Reply to  TypischAres

Connecting the FritzBox in the “Internet über LAN” mode is one of the possibilities. But actually waste.

I would only do if the FritzBox had already been there anyway.

2 months ago

Wi-Fi is available for WIRELESS (wireless) LAN (local area network).

For WLAN, you need devices that can send and receive data wirelessly (by radio). The most important is the router, such as a Fritzbox.