Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Handelssperre in Steam zu umgehen (Vielleicht selbst bestätigen oder so)?
Wollte csgo keys einen Card bot geben und habe keine Lust eine Woche darauf zu warten.
Kann ich das irgendwie bestätigen das die Handelssperre nicht aktiviert wird?
Bitte um Hilfe
The lock cannot be bypassed and has its permission. If you were to lift this lock from one day to the other, that would mean that a lot of items would come to the market on one blow and that would push the price enormously.
In addition, this barrier prevents individuals from regulating the market by buying up certain items and selling them more expensively, which would significantly disrupt the market economy and would ultimately lead to significantly higher prices.
Thank you, good answer ^ But I find 1 week a little too long
The lock is also for your safety.
Take a lot of time and money into your account, you have lots of valuable items in your inventory as well as money on your account.
Suddenly your access data will be changed, yes that can happen to you and has nothing to do with stupidity.
Without the lock, your inventory is empty in 5 minutes and the money is spent on your account. Great, right? With lock, the account thief must also wait a week, in time you can get your account back from the support.
So yes, the lock remains and cannot be bypassed. And that’s good too.
Okey, but the chance that that happened in 2017 is damn low. That is why I think you should decide if you want to risk it or not
The chance is so small today because there is this protection. That’s why scums and other scums are hardly going to work.
I’m sorry. The lock is to protect your account
This is not possible legally.
That shit. Nothing against you now..
What an idiot you have to be to fall in on Scammer.. Do not understand the lock at all -_-