Gibt es eine Möglichkeit dass ich schwanger bin?
Hey, war vorhin auf der Toilette. Im Nachhinein hat sich herausgestellt, dass er zu vor auf der Toilette war und sich einen runtergeholt hat.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dass ich schwanger bin? Wie wahrscheinlich ist es?
A woman can only get pregnant on her fertile days if sperms with enough seed fluid get directly into her vagina (usually in unprotected sexual intercourse) or if they are actively and still fresh and moist and in sufficient amount at least to the vaginal entrance.
Outside the body is simply not a good place for sperm – they are extremely sensitive, only capable of movement and survival in their liquid and die immediately in the air in a few minutes and in the water.
You can’t be brought to life anymore – dead is dead.
Sperms can also not climb, do not jump, do not bounce and do not wander along the body and do not come “like” into the woman.
In the bathroom (whether on the toilet, under the shower or in the bathtub), a girl can only get pregnant if she has sex with a man there.
Happy for you!
Just give me thought if they were on the toilet paper
I think it’s rather unlikely.
0%. Sperm must be IN the vagina and also they die in fresh air within a few seconds.
PS: Why do you put yourself in the middle of a sperm stain instead of putting it away?
What if something was on the toilet paper?
Then why do you use the full toilet paper?
The answer is the same. But let’s just play with sperm if you’re so worried.
Slow down.
If you get pregnant, I’d start playing with the lottery in your place.
No, that’s impossible. How should sperms that die in the fresh air anyway quickly come into your vagina?
If something was on the toilet paper
Are you taking sperm into your vagina?
The toilet paper you take from the roll?
Should they’re dead. In addition: sperms come into the vagina by great speed in ejaculation. That’s not given here. The (dead) sperms stick to the paper (if any).
No, you won’t get pregnant….
How can a woman get pregnant?
Pregnant can become a woman when sperms with enough seed fluid get directly into their vagina (skin). The vagina is inside. So it can get pregnant during intercourse. And she can get pregnant if she or her partner brings enough fresh ejaculate (=sperm) to the vagina entrance or introduces it into the vagina.
A woman is not pregnant from the toilet and in the bathroom
Since we get this question very often asked, we answer it again here: Can a woman get pregnant in the toilet? The answer is NO (except she has sex with a man in the bathroom).
So a woman is not pregnant:
Here you can read the explanations why this is:
I don’t think su is pregnant
What if something was on the toilet paper?
Probability 0.00%
What if something was on the toilet paper?