Gibt es eine mathematische Funktion, die beschreibt wie viel geringer die Trefferquote eines Schützen mit wachsender Entfernung zum Ziel wird?

das könnte z.B. sein dass die Treffer im Quadrat zur Entfernung abnehmen

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1 year ago

If it were a laser weapon, then the hit probability is actually approximately inversely quadratic proportional to the distance.
Approximately only if the target surface lies on one plane and not on a spherical surface with the radius of the distance. It doesn’t matter at long distances.
In a real project, there will be a distance where the gravitation makes a hit impossible. The result would be inversely proportional to the square of the parabolic path length.

1 year ago
Reply to  RonaId

Why square?

1 year ago
Reply to  Dogetastisch

Because with increasing distance the probability decreases.
Thus, with double distance, the hit probabilities would be a quarter.

1 year ago

You could do at most an attempt and try to approach a function.