Gibt es eine Liste den Privat Anbieter oder von Zügen wo ich nicht mit den 9€ Ticket einstiegen darf?

Hallo, viele privat anbieter vom nah verkehr nehmen ja keine 9€ Tickets an, ich wollte wissen ob es eine Liste gibt von den Zügen wo ich nicht mit den 9€ Ticket einstiegen darf, ich muss dazu sagen ich kenne mich nicht gut mit Zügen aus ,deswegen Frage ich ja:)

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2 years ago

many private providers from close traffic do not take 9€ tickets

What do you think?

Apart from some mountain railways and ferries, I do not know any private providers in local transport, where the 9-Euro ticket will not be valid.

It is not possible to use long distance trains (IC, EC, ICE, ECE, TGV, Thalys, Railjet, Nightjet, Flixtrain…).

2 years ago

My knowledge only concerns:

  • REs operated by DB Fernverkehr. You can recognize that they additionally have an IC number
  • Tourist railways such as historical steam trains, or gear trains that drive on mountains. These are usually recognized by the fact that they do not have a train number with the normal prefixes such as RE, RB, S etc.
2 years ago
Reply to  sebastianla

Some webs with planned steam operation can also be used, so e.g. B. in the Resin narrow track tracks almost the entire route network will be operated with the 9-Euro ticket, only the route of Three Annen Hohne on the tracks is excluded. On the routes of Sächsische Dampfeisenbahngesellschaft or Rügenen spa railway there are no restrictions.

2 years ago

On the DB page you can read where the ticket is valid