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2 years ago

There is no unified culture and that would be rather boring, but a common cultural history.

Not only every state has its own culture, but also the regions within the state have traditionally different cultures.

In all the differences, all Europeans have a lot in common. Through the geographical narrowness of the continent, cultural touches and influencing were repeatedly encountered.

Through the marriage policy of the rulers’ houses, rulers from other cultures and their wives came to all states of all times. They brought parts of their culture, whether clothing, food, music, special customs etc. Historically, all European rulers are relatively close to each other.

2 years ago

In order to define the meaning of the concept of European culture, it is necessary first to agree on a definition of culture. Culture is a concept that is widely used in everyday life, but also in politics, the media and in humanities and social sciences. However, it is an abstract term with different meanings – culture must therefore always be read in the context.

Here’s something about hegemony.