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Get in the dryer.
But please No Use softeners.
If towels are rinsed softly, they lose their good absorbency.
If softly rinsed laundry is introduced into the dryer, the softener adhering to the laundry is burned into the drum. This can cause the laundry to no longer get dry, since the sensors can no longer work smoothly.
Washing without softener and pure in the dryer
And if you don’t have a dryer??
Will get this effect difficult without drier. Inform yourself after your water hardness, dose accordingly washPULVER and take laundry perfume, these great balls of “I feel comfortable in Len*r”
But don’t use a dishwasher for towels. The glues the fluffy fibers and this can hardly be undone.
And then let it dry outside. What many do not know, laundry dries even at cold temperatures, even minus degrees.
Or just wash as I described in a launderette and use a dryer.
Lg Lilly:-
into the dryer
What if you don’t have a dryer?
Then it remains hard
Do in the dryer