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8 years ago

No, there is no such right – with the ticket there is only the right to transport, but not to a certain place.

But: without good reason, no airline will “separate” people travelling together. Just check in time, then everything will be fine…

But if you check in 5 minutes before boarding, you shouldn’t be surprised.

1 year ago

Parents have a legal obligation for children. A 3-year-old may have the chance to buckle up during the start or landing and make his way to the cockpit. Parents’ legal duty is to make sure that doesn’t happen.
The fulfillment of legal obligations must not be extra costs. We’re going to Spain shortly. Already 2 (!) weeks before departure, in our booking class (business) almost all seats are reserved for an additional fee of 22 euros per flight and person. Not even if we were willing to pay for it, there would be free places. And 2 weeks before departure is also not very little time to take care of it. In this respect we have done everything right.

At any rate, we are excited and wish a potential seat neighbour of our 4-year-old a lot of fun. Will be the task of the airline to solve this.

By the way: in the USA there is already a legal claim, and that is good. I don’t care where I sit. The fulfilment of statutory obligations must not cost extra costs.

8 years ago

Why is there so often asked for the “right of law” in all possible situations?

The person is given a mouth to speak. Simply ask the seat neighbor whether you can exchange the seats. The whole thing then formulated as a courtesy request and not posing on his supposed “righteous” and already the thing is…

Happy for you!

8 years ago

Every airline has different rules. Just search Google for the name of the airline of your choice and “children” or “children”.
The airlines actually explain very well on their websites what is going on and what is not.
Generally, however, it is always attempted to let together booked tickets sit next to each other.

8 years ago

No, you didn’t. If you check in late, you’ll have to sit separate.

Preserve the seats and take the extra costs for your child’s good

8 years ago

No, no one – no matter how old he is – has the legal right to sit next to your child.

But you don’t think so.

So for you there is no right. You have the possibility to reserve the seats, even if paid. (Only toddlers up to 2 years usually sit on the lap).

Just be there early enough, then you will meet your desire when checking in.

But if the reservation is already so that no two places are left next to each other, how should the company take into account your desire?

By the way: Googeln helps. I found out the following:\_services.php?

But it must always be comfortable, nothing can cost, and of course my rights and demands are important. Own responsibility? No!

8 years ago

If you bought the place next to your child, it’s okay.
There are seats on the tickets