Gibt es ein Programm, welches Bilder in Bleistiftzeichnungen umwandelt, welche diese Art von Schattierungen haben? Wichtige Teil: kann ich diese dann?

einfach mit einem Pen-Plotter nachzeichnen?

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7 months ago

As you have, a pen plotter is not suitable for generating grayscales.
Of course, you can simulate a shading when you first create a high-contrast black and white image and coarsely select the grain size, so that the “grey tones” different densities single penPoints to be created.
For viewing, you have to be far away so that there is a flowing grey tone.

There are probably massive effects in graphics programs that can generate a pencil-like grayscale image.

7 months ago

With “Gimp” you can create something very well.
However, you have to invest some time there to make it cool.

In this time you have (if you are in this program) not ), a shading is drawn by hand more quickly.

Just use a commercial Circular. Pull with this one Circle. Then set the circle under the first drawing and thus draw a Semi-circular.

Afterward soft, semi-soft or hard Use pencils to draw the shady ounces.

7 months ago

How about you just do your art homework yourself instead of wanting to explore them in such a difficult way? The simplest drawing still goes by hand and you learn something.

7 months ago


do something like that. Various possibilities

7 months ago
Reply to  jogibaer

He’s very cool, but I don’t think he’s alive.