Gibt es ein momentan ein “gutes” Bundle auf Steam?


ich hab irgendwie Lust meinen Account mit Spielen vollzumüllen, die ich nie spielen werde, einfach nur weil ich will, dass mein Account um 20 Spiele größer wird.

Kann mir wer bitte so ein Bundle empfehlen?


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5 years ago

Just look at Indiegala. They always have a bunch of bad games for a euro or something.

5 years ago

Do you really want your inventory to grow up by 20 games or you want to reach your Steam Account Level, because then there would be much easier solutions.

5 years ago
Reply to  zZDarkstarZz

Hmm if it’s just supposed to be some cheap garbage games you never play anyway, then I would just buy some of the cheapest games individually.

5 years ago
Reply to  YeetMaster69

There is Account Level?

5 years ago
Reply to  Bytes618


5 years ago

You’re a treasure

5 years ago

What exactly? Release the library?

Yeah, that’s easy.

Simply log in with the account that owns the game, then go to Settings family and select the account for which it should be shared.

5 years ago

😀 cool is that easy?

5 years ago

If it opens another client to play, as well as uPlay, then sharing will not be possible, otherwise this should work without problems.

5 years ago

And for stupid? Own launcher? DVD is available

5 years ago

If it’s not a game with its own launcher, that’s it, yeah.

5 years ago

I don’t know the game.

5 years ago

2 computers in the house, 2 accounts, one buys, both can play, only not simultaneously. This is… but also with Kingdom come?

5 years ago

I don’t know what you mean.

5 years ago

Can I transfer or access Kingdom Come Familiär?

5 years ago

Trader is a trader.

There are certain games where you can trade. Actually you can do this in any game but it is not suitable for any game. Games that are very suitable are especially CS GO, Rust, PUPG and Dota 2.

I myself have been a trader in CS GO for 2 years, saying that I deal with other players items of the game and thus achieve profits (or losses). I also invest in CS GO Cases with the hope that they will rise in value and then I will sell them again to make profit.

5 years ago

What is a trader?

5 years ago

If you’re a trader, then you’ll be trusted by a high Steam level and you’ll be able to do so on every 10. Level that you reach your profile “swallow/enhance”.

For example, with item showcase where you can display items from a game at the top of your profile, etc.

5 years ago

What is it?

5 years ago

The level rises only and only through card packs that have been completed and the money you spend.

5 years ago

Check us out 🙂

5 years ago

I don’t know.

But there is so much more behind this level system.

5 years ago

Achievements are increasing it, right?

5 years ago

On Steam is a complete waste of money, so the discounts are too lucid. Ridiculous.

Common Bundle Pages are Humble Bundle (which also often have valent Bundles), Fanatical, IndieGala (Ramschbundles, on cheap via group purchase at Groupbuy), DailyIndieGame.

IG Bundles about Groupbuy is the cheapest way to fill in its account. You pay so n dollars for 10 games. Fanatical has up to 20 games. DIG is also cheap.

Humble Bundle and Fanatical are the most valuable option. At HB you can subscribe to the Monthly, each month you can subscribe to a suitable game bundle.

Other Bundles and Bundle Providers:

5 years ago

Give me the money for a bundle and I’ll give you an award that you can complete your recycle bin

5 years ago
Reply to  zZDarkstarZz

Do not think you have a KK device to make me a credit card