Gibt es ein Grund warum Apple nachdem sie eine neue iPhone Generation starten, die alte zwar weiter verkaufen, allerdings nur das standard Modell und kein Pro?

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7 months ago

Pro devices are becoming more and more cheaper in the course of the year, so at the end of the year they are roughly at the price level of the new standard models. The thing is, however, that the pro devices of the previous years have always been much better than the current standard models, although they cost approximately the same amount. Someone who only knows a little about it would take the Pro model last year, so Apple will introduce the more expensive Pro production so that the customer does not have the choice. Apple can thus demand the full price from last year for a significantly cheaper device.

The standard models are not taken out as they do not compete with any other iPhone at a price.

7 months ago

Every company wants to run out the old one at Nueerschainungen, so here too.

When VW broke out the golf, the beetle also slowly came to the deposit track until the production was stopped later.