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3 months ago

Yes: the latest MacOS looks like the latest MacOS. If you want to have that, Apple will throw the money in the throat 🤷

Otherwise, you can edit plasma or GNOME Shell with themes under Linux KDE, so they look like MacOS, but especially with GNOME, this will lead to errors – they don’t like any changes. KDE likes to sit more and there I would Solus “Plasma” (KDE) or Fedora KDE use. See e.g.

To install in KDE simply open the system settings, then “Colour & Design” -> “Global Theme” -> “Create New Global Theme” (top right) and then download the corresponding Themes. Then select them and press Apply.

Directly closer ElementaryOS with the Pantheon Desktop. To test for “order” simply enter 0, but the project is pleased with donations.

Imho we have much more beautiful designs under Linux than Apple’s MacOS, such as Adwaita, Breeze, Materia, Papirus Icons,… 🤷 ♂️

3 months ago

There’s a bunch of Apple themes under KDE plasma.