Gibt es eigentlich einen konkreten Begriff für diesen Kleidungsstoff, die einige Prominente wie z.B. Anastacia am Unterarm bis zur Mitte des Oberarms tragen?
gibt es eigentlich einen konkreten Begriff für diesen Kleidungsstoff, die einige Prominente wie z.B. Anastacia (in Ihrem Fall in dunkelblau) am Unterarm bis zur Mitte des Oberarms tragen?
I think you’re talking about arm tulips. There is also something like this in the sports field from different materials, here with the example of Anastacia it can also be part of the outfit. In this fabric here I think of something polyester-like because it shines like this (it does not look like leather).
Elastic gloss…. I don’t know a very specific term.
Gloss lycra, as with the corresponding leggins.
Looks like Wetlook fabric or Metallic fabric.
Of the wrinkles, I’d tap sequin.
There are no sequins (circular metal or plastic platelets sewn).
Sequins are not sewn. 🙈 and glittering substances/
Sometimes.,then%20become%20become%20chain shirt.