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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Jein. The video is not very well researched and seems to focus more on Clickbait instead of reporting. What is probably simply taken up here, as has generally been reported in the media.

As explained in the contribution already linked by Rheinflip, there are really various substances that are sold or otherwise sold as “bath salts” or “Flakka” or otherwise what and are to be associated with various incidents. Whether the people are in the video recordings on Flakka can be determined by the image material alone.

Some of the substances mentioned here seem to be comparatively harmful. What is described in the video virtually as guaranteed side effects does not necessarily have to occur. In any case, not in small doses. It is to be assumed that the people you see in the videos have exaggerated it more or less – so if they were at all on Flakka. These substances also only act a few hours, no days. In order for them to act for days, one would have to consume again and again, which makes the appearance of psychotic conditions and other side effects more likely. Whether or not one cannibal incident can be explained with drugs has been finally, apparently never cleared.

These products were not only cheap, but also had the advantage that they could be traded more or less legally. The substances were so new or unknown at the time that there were no laws that would have prevented trade. What makes all this so dangerous is that people have taken unknown and unexplored substances. If you don’t know what you’re actually taking and you’re not extremely cautious, it’s easy to happen that you’re hurting yourself and some others.

2 years ago

there are no zombies and you cannot be made with drugs.

Flakka, however, is a pretty fucking fabric. mit-gefaehrer-effect/#:~:text=%20Flakka%20s%20sich,within%20extreme%20effects%20s%20s%20sconsumer.

2 years ago

Yes this drug is really there and no one will not be zombie