Gibt es das Wort “allkömmlich”?
Ich wollte gerade “allkömmlich” in einem meiner Gedicht verwenden, jedoch war ich mir auf einmal unsicher wie man allkömlich schreibt. Daraufhin habe ich natürlich gegoogelt und irgendwie gab es keinen einzigen Google Eintrag zu diesem Wort. Ich habe ein, zwei Webseiten gefunden die das Wort verwendet haben aber niemand hat genau gesagt ob es das Wort gibt oder wie man es schreibt… Kann mit da jemand helfen?
Oh, a new word. Sounds good. You’re short when you read it for the first time, but then the sense is obvious and enlightening. It’s poetry, and it’s absolutely “wordful”. Ha, I just invented a new word!
Never heard the word. What does it mean?
quasi another word for “generally known” or “generally practiced”, in my case I wanted to say “the general customs”… In any case, I have found sites that use this word for about “conventional care” etc., so newly invented the word is by no means, but somehow I find nothing accurate about it….
I’ve searched through the internet and found no mention of the word “obsolete”.
The next thing I found was a “usual financing of care”: paper care
Not yet!
You should register it as a word creation.
Good luck!
No. Bye, now. But it doesn’t matter.
I’ve never heard it before, but the poet is allowed much.
there are “usually” not necessarily needed.
I haven’t heard. What were you trying to say?
In my mind, it was almost another word for “generally known” or “generally practiced” or perhaps “inhabited”, in my case I wanted to say “the general customs”.
How about “conventional”? But I understand if you’re missing the “all”. And actually I find the word very beautiful and understandable in connection with SItten.
I had an idea: old and old, and I find the word traditional in the dude. That would be good, right?
There are “conventional” in the sense of tasty, tasty, good digestible.