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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

The strength of each noise is primarily a matter of dose. A strong state of noise can also be brought about with any noise-generating substance.

The following article describes various effects, of which users reported.


Please note that it is highly individual and variable as a substance acts on a human. Among other things, genetics, gender, weight, emotional and physical condition, daily form and expectations play (Set), the environment (Setting), caring effects and of course the dose. What others are reporting may apply to them, but must not apply to oneself.

Please also note that dose details that can be found online are not to be understood as guidelines. They relate to the experiences of many people. It is not possible to say how strongly a substance acts in the individual.

Especially for beginners: “too low” doses as “too high” (cf. Herantasts). No matter what substance it is.

2 years ago

Promethazine is a low-potential conventional antipsychotic agent which is used primarily for the treatment of psychiatric-related disorders and excitation states as well as for sleep disorders. Furthermore, there are also cases of nausea/breaks.

Antipsychotics do not have an intoxicating effect. Promethazine works sedatively, but not enlarging. It also does not depend and a greenhouse effect remains largely.

Here more to Promethazine.

2 years ago

No, you’re just getting tired.