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1 year ago


Unfortunately, this is possible today to earn the minimum wage – even though completed nationally recognised vocational training.



small possible theory;

The young SHK mechanic works after the 3.5-year-old training as trained specialist in his training and mentions that he has been with him for a year and gets 13.50€/h and every year ~1.50€ more – Due to these circumstances, it can be assumed that in the first year he received only the minimum wage of €12.50 – I’m trying to make one learned specialist,and the boss looks forward to it every month 600….8xx€ and more may be retained because he is a trained skilled worker who obviously delivers good services with minimum wage + 10…20% agrees about it although the average is clearly higher percentage

many unskilled workers deserve more in the industry, where they are also used as unskilled to slightly fishing

14…15…16.50€ can come – unless you get too clumsy here

When you look at how much others you pay for SHK mechanics, this is a high difference >

Others and many employees are increasing after 3-3.5-year-old training at 15…16…17€ – in the first year or in the first 6-24 months …

and then you slash over lazy young people aged 20…23…or 28 years that you should be more motivated and not let go and you should accept any work even if the conditions in the form of wages were clearly below the general average and sometimes also minimum wages + 50 cents to 1.20€ must accept it… #Quality

to shorten the textually, I only refer to videos – otherwise the text would be a novel…

Example 2 ;

Example 3

1 year ago

Of course there are. Above all, it happens to women who are unable to work for a baby break in their job (e.g. layers) and are looking for another. What is often due to childcare periods. (Kiga) Over the employment office you get, whether trained or not, requirements to apply cross and cross, even if it doesn’t fit or offers from temporary workers etc. then you land quickly (because no longer so flexible) in a job that is often similar but not the same despite training and pushes towards minimum wages. Since there are many skilled workers missing right now, everywhere… it can look different today.

Or you work very long in one and the same job and get rid of it after 30 years. Then you don’t need training, studies from the youth, and you need to see what you get.

1 year ago

Sure. Even with professor titles, you would not be protected at 100% from unemployment or (proportionately) bad conditions, even if the likelihood is rather low.

1 year ago

There are even those who were trained to be a social worker, so just to get the most vital.

1 year ago

Yes, there is.

1 year ago

If they don’t work in their learned job, they do.