Gibt es auffällige Weibchen in der Tierwelt?

Hallo ihr Lieben,

ich wollte mal fragen, ob jemand von euch eine Tierart kennt, bei dem das Weibchen auffällig ist UND das Männchen unscheinbar.

Es wird immer gesagt, dass meistens bzw. in der Regel die Männchen ein auffälligeres Fell oder Federkleid haben (z.B. Pfau) aber es muss ja auch ausnahmen geben oder nicht?

Ich habe auch schon versucht danach im Netz etwas zu finden aber leider nichts gefunden 🙁

Vielen Dank!

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4 years ago

In any case, in most spiders from the group of the so-called orbiculariae, including the hood net spiders and also in the crab spids, the females are much larger and often more colorful. However, less due to sexual selection, but because there are warning colors or camouflage colors on flowers and they have to carry the many eggs in the body. Some thousand. The males only have to get to the female unaware and are smaller and inconspicuous. A spectacular domestic example is the puppy spine. Or not secretly the spiny orb weaver and the golden silk spider from America.

4 years ago

For example the Southern Tomato Frog (Dyscophus guineti). There the females have this striking tomato color, but the males are yellowish or brownish. The males are also smaller.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bananenbrotde

There are some birds. You’d have to find this article:

James Dale, Cody J. Dey, Kaspar Delhey, Bart Kempenaers and Mihai Valcu

The effects of life-history and sexual selection on male and female plumage coloration.

Nature; 15 October, 2015.

Of course, they are looking at the exceptions because they are particularly revealing.

4 years ago fish

This deep sea fishing fish. The male, in pocket format, is just a hindrance so that the female can give it to young people. They stay together when they find themselves.

4 years ago

With the worshippers, it is believed that the females are much larger.

4 years ago

In the case of Thorshühnchen and Odinshühnchen, the males pull up the boys and are simply coloured. Because of the short summer, the beautifully colored female gave several males the eggs to get the kind.

4 years ago

In dogs, cats, guinea pigs, mice, rats, rabbits, horses, zebras, polar bears, bears, tigers, giraffes, etc…. there are in appearance related to No differences!

4 years ago

I only know a subtle way:

Homa sapiens sapiens

And with this, the ethologist would argue that honest signals are widespread in nature and that natural selection in females always produces only honest and low-cost signals.

So exactly what a modern woman of the present not !

Best regards
