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1 month ago

Yeah, give it.

For example, this can be similar to that of manic depressives. Dark thoughts, but also joyous outbursts, depending on what kind of person is human.

You’d also like (illegal) drug abuse, alcohol excess and sex addiction.

Everything here.

1 month ago

Yes, there is 100%. Prevalence is only higher for women.

The symptom is basically the same, i.e. typical are emotional regulation difficulties, a high basic tension level, fears, to be abandoned, alternating between idealization and devaluation of the partner, self-absorbing behavior, chronic inner void, instability in relation to the self-image, strong deflection of mood, dissociative symptoms in stress situations, etc.

This does not exclude that there may be nuances concerning female or male brothliners, but in principle the disorder is equally defined by the diagnostic criteria.
(Special article on gender differences in Borderline: ).

1 month ago

In addition, self-damaging and impulsive sexual behavior is often observed in affected persons. self-damaging behavior I was able to detect at myself 38 where after the separation from my ex then out loud self-destructive rubbing my precious stones and medicines from the window fortunately it did not rain on the evening my mother is immediately down and could save everything except for a few tablets.

1 month ago
Reply to  Lavendelduft99

Yes, there are also where hyperactive is in sex. So hypersexuality.

1 month ago

Sexual actions take place without consideration of consequences. How strange or unprotected sex. Sexuality is used to compensate for emotional void or worthlessness. Or are sexually very active and frequently change the GV partner. Fear of being alone or leaving. People want to please their partners very sexually and make everything with fear to be abandoned. Z.b.

1 month ago

Of course, men also have Borderline. Outer things are always different.

1 month ago

Why shouldn’t there be

1 month ago

Of course there are. But how it is expressed is different.

1 month ago
Reply to  Lavendelduft99

Borderline has many shapes and is also different. I knew about 3 people with Borderline who I was allowed to meet at the clinic. But I do not want to go too much about it because two of them are no longer living

1 month ago

Of course, why shouldn’t they be affected?