Gibt der Arzt mir ein Attest?
Ich habe bald Schulschwimmen und wollte zum Arzt und um ein Attest bitten bwelches mich vom Schulschwimmen befreit. Denkt ihr, er wird mir eins geben, wenn ich sage, dass ich von dem Chlor Neurodermitis bekomme, es aber nicht nachweisen kann?
If you can’t prove it, you won’t get an attest. That would be even more beautiful if doctors gave everyone an attest that indicates a certain disease that is not detectable. Then Dau needs proof from the skin doctor who determines what you have, then he could also attest that if you don’t wear Clor.
You probably have a reason why you don’t want to go swimming. And for that 100pro gets an attest, only might have to be a psychologist, not a dermatologist. There’s no reason to be freed.
Healthy things (also mental) are always subject to confidentiality. Proper diagnoses are only available from one doctor to another. And even if it wasn’t like that, it’s just your teacher who can’t tell anyone.
No psychic attests are accepted anymore
Really?? Why is that? It doesn’t make any sense at all.
So what? Teens don’t want to go in swimsuit before other teenagers. It’s completely understandable. The question is more, why is swimming with you mandatory? That’s what I had at the primary school, it made sense because we really learned to swim. I was also shackled, but not because I was fat, but because I was the last to learn it (in the vacation well noticed by a friend of my mom…)
Last year too many with these attests have been freed from swimming lessons
Why would he? He’ll notice that this is an advanced reason.
Why don’t you really want to swim?
So my doctor would probably already but that usually depends on the doctor
Without proof: no attest.
Why don’t you go to school swimming?
I’d also think the doctor’s doing this.
My family doctor would.