Gibt Bürgergeld noch einen Anrzeiz zum arbeiten?

Die Frage ist etwas verzwickt formuliert und soll dich nicht angreifen.

Mit deiner Ausbildung schätze ich dich so ein, dass du liebend gerne wieder arbeiten würdest und dich nicht auf dem Bürgergeld ausruhst.

Was mich jetzt aber interessiert:

Wie gut kannst du von dem Geld leben? Gerade im Mindeslohnsektor müssen die Menschen von ihrem Lohn zusätzlich erstmal noch Miete und Nebenkosten zahlen. Klar gibts Zuschüsse wie Wohngeld, aber könntest du dir vorstellen, dass gerade Menschen mit schlechter Ausbildung durch Bürgergeld keinen Anreiz sehen einer Arbeit nachzugehen, wenn sie im Niedriglohnsektor einene ähnlichen Lebensstandard hätten?

Das soll keine Provokation sein, dieser Sachverhalt interessiert mich tatsächlich und ich hatte noch nie die Gelegnheit einem Bürgergeldempfänger die Frage zu stellen.

Alles Gute Dir!

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8 months ago


thank you for your question!

First of all: No problem that you ask the question. I can understand that you want to use the option.

I have to say honestly, that I don’t think it’s so lovely to get citizens’ money. We make the following invoice:

The minimum wage is currently 12.41€ per hour. A normal working month has 21 days of 8 hours (full time). This amounted to about 2085€. For me as single without children (Stkl. 1), net remained somewhat more than 1500 euros. At 30 hours of part-time, gross would be around €1564, this would be €1204 net.

As a comparison: I currently have about 1116€ (incl. rent). In addition, I do not pay for unemployment insurance or pension insurance during this period. Work is therefore even more lucrative in the case of minimum wages and part-time work as citizens’ money. But what this looks like in the individual case is of course questionable; Certainly, there will be some people who, most of all, see no incentive to work. This is not a problem of public money, but a problem of remuneration.


7 months ago

Let’s say no.How many workers are worse despite work even pensioners.

5 months ago

if you don’t work and no work counts – but this is not enough for you now – then after political understanding and current statements nothing would be paid into German pension

that is so simple – Germany is anyway a class system rat – that is, who has a lot of fortune, that of course does not itch, and the politicians who are now perhaps “sawed down” who have already arranged anyway, even those who have not brought anything

4 months ago

Yes and no

If the salary is bad, but that is sufficiently qualified to get a higher salary, the motivation to go to work daily is not great. The appreciation is missing and every day the feeling is there, why I go to work every day. They speak of internal dismissal.

Citizens’ money is much less, but it’s enough to live, the day can be used for beautiful things, and perhaps even at some point the idea of self-employment arises.

In fact, I thought that way until over a year ago. I just felt uncomfortable like a loser. I didn’t see any fulfillment at work. Although I could get well with the salary and still save, it was demotivating to know that I am nothing. And I also thought if I get money, I got less money, but I don’t need to work for it.

Then I found another job by good luck. One where I have a challenge, where I can think, can bring ideas, where I notice that I can move forward and get a much better salary with which I am really satisfied. Now I wouldn’t trade for civil money anymore.

8 months ago

Hello Rolajamo,

I can only speak from ALG 2 times, so by 2019 about. The essence of this is the same. Citizens’ money/Alg2 are anything but for free and not enough for everyone. This begins with not getting any full money and, as with me at the time, letting you stand down, as with the credit rates the costs exceed the revenue. That I could theoretically get the interest taken over for nothing brings me if the bank does not give out the sum.

The biggest problem is the money from the state is Russian roulette. I myself faced two times the problem that the money from the state became very expensive when the office repeatedly miscreted. You like to repay thousands of euros. As great as citizen money sounds and the money without working, the price can be psychic but also financially as high as it ruins you.

but could you imagine that even people with poor education through civil money do not see any incentive to work if they had a similar standard of living in the low-wage sector?

Everything is possible and there will be 15,000, according to the federal agency of 1.4 million (workable). But there’s a GROßES ABER from me. Some of the people, the conscientious person, have been created by the job center and agency for work. What do you think people do when they’re just being pulled instead? If you’re supposed to work, and if you’re looking for a new job, no appointment, and then you’ll have to be completely chattered. It is the office which, with its ignoring social laws, only drives people so far, especially since employers are sometimes not better.

In addition, however, all those who were removed from the office from the labour market. People who are retired forced, whether age or reduction in employment, or even where different. When you see how the offices work you know where conscientious, cost, job losses and a lot more come from. Sometimes the office itself destroys the job you have.

MfG PlueschTiger