Ghost Recon Wildlands PC seltsame Watt Schwankungen GPU?
Moin Zusammen,
Ich hab festgestellt das Ghost Recon Wildlands total unterschiedlich läuft.
Habs heute gestartet und meine Graka braucht komischerweise nur 100 Watt.
Dann PC ausgeschaltet später wieder angemacht, die GPU benötig plötzlich 180-200Watt obwohl nichts an der Grafik geändert wurde und gleiches Szenario. Ich erkenne auch keine Grafische Änderung bei denn 100 Watt. Was kann das sein ?
could you describe which computer components are installed?
Moin here the data
– Ryzen 7 3700x
– 32gb DDR4 on 3000Mhz overclockt
– RTX 2080ti
– 700 Watt power supply
Do you happen to know the exact name of your power supply? You need to think that the power supplies do not have a 100% efficiency and you may be running into the limit of your power supply
Oh, sorry, I didn’t look at that. Then I guess it’s up
Thanks but it will be the power supply see one of my other posts PC restarts and reports:kernel power 41? (Gaming PC, Processor, CPU) – good question
Yeah, look at the BeQuiet. Series and watch an 80 Plus Silver or Gold certification. That it really is the power supply I can remotely but unfortunately not say
All right, so buy a better power supply. Thank you.
The power supply has the worst certification approved in Germany. Means it has approximately an efficiency of 560 Watt (80%). Your system needs about 550 to 600 watts. I would remove the overclocking of the memory and watch that the computer is not yet loaded in the background by other programs, then you should no longer have any problems. It can logically also be on the GPU, but probably the power supply is more likely.
Kolink Core RGB 700 W Other