GFR-CKD Blutbild?
Bei meinem Laborbefund der Blutwerte wurde
Kreatinin 0,90 mg/dl
Harnstoff 32,00 mg/dl
gemessen ,ist alles im Normbereich, aber der GFR-CKD Wert ist unter 60 ml/min .
Was sagt der GFR Wert aus? Ich lese immer dass dies der wichtigere Wert für die Nieren sei.
Ich habe ein Bild hinzugefügt.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
The reference area for the GFR is in the laboratory >60.
Your value is >90. Accordingly, you are in the reference area. The representation is just a little strange, the software may not handle ‘sizer than’ and ‘smaller than’. The same problem with glucose in urine. Software cannot handle ‘negative’ and therefore makes the bar red.
The GFR represents a glomerular filtration rate. This comes from Glomerulum – this is the part of the kidney that filters the blood. The value thus indicates how much blood is filtered from your kidney per minute. The higher, the more you can assume that your kidneys work well.
Hello thank you for the answer 😘