Gezogener zahn?
Ich habe mir vor 2 Tagen einen Zahn ziehen lassen. Der Zahn daneben schmerz und generell der ganze Mund. Leider hab ich hier und da eine Zigarette geraucht hatte keine Ahnung das man das nich soll. Nun hat sich das Zahnfleisch in weiß verfärbt also es sieht so aus als wäre es nicht durchblutet. Ist das normal oder soll ich zum Zahnarzt?
The wound looks OK and doesn’t seem inflamed.
If the pain has not become worse, you have no “poaching” pain, the environment of the wound is not ulcered, there is no inflammation.
Take an ibuprofen if you have severe pain. And rinse the mouth either with chlorhexamed, sage or combillete.
For me, the white discoloration looks more like a (movable) coating. Sure, you couldn’t clean the place with the toothbrush. Good improvement.
The more you move your mouth, the longer it hurts in your mouth. So I’d talk less, eat more porridges so that the chewing movement mostly falls away and behave calmly. Of course, don’t smoke as well.
I can’t say anything about the discoloration, just that I think you don’t have to go to the dentist first. Give the gum time to heal. Then keep looking.
Good improvement
I’d rather go to the dentist. If it hurts so much. I’m sure he doesn’t have a speech lesson. Looks a little inflamed. Maybe decimate smoking (I know, without getting heavy), and wet with camomile or ointment. Don’t wash it. Just leave the liquid in the mouth.
Perhaps food residues have also come into the hole from the pulled tooth and bear in front of them, then a widening in the gum hole is possible.
Otherwise, to a dental clinic or emergency dentist.
Good luck and good improvement 🍀
That’s normal. And it hurts too. It’s going back. But let the smoking be first. Otherwise it will ignite properly,
So this looks relatively serious, I’d rather watch the doctor very quickly and hakt say what happened before what’s serious and you’ll miss 2 or 3 more teeth later