Gewöhnt man sich an das Arbeitsleben?
Guten Tag,
Ich habe am 01.09 also vor knapp zwei monaten meine Ausbildung im Büro angefangen nachdem ich 6 monate nur auf minijob basis gearbeitet habe.
Ich habe eine 39h woche, ist alles ganz normal. arbeite jeden tag von 08:30-16:30 außer Donnerstags von 8:30-18:30.
Brauche immer 45 Minuten nach hause.
Es ist einfach so ungewohnt das man so wenig zuhause ist, ich vermisse die zeit mit meiner Familie so sehr das ich teilweise auf toilette gehen muss und weinen muss auf der arbeit.
Gewöhnt man sich an dieses Arbeitsleben? oder wird mich das eventuell ein ganzes leben beschäftigen. Denn wie es jetzt ist lebe ich nur für das wochenende.
Danke :/
It’s time to go, after a few weeks or months you should be “in” and have arranged. It is always a new situation, but this is what the human being imagines – there is a certain reconciliation effect.
But if it’s so bad for you that you even have to cry, that’s unnormal and should be thinking. The problem is not the working world itself, but it may be the wrong job or an unpleasant environment. I didn’t even get clear at an internship at that time and it was cruel from the first day, but at another immediately after that it went absolutely super – the human and the emotional often have a very large share of the “big whole”, which is often underestimated.
You definitely get used to it, but among other things your day feels so long because you have a longer working path. Personally, a 40-hour week would be too much, so I work part-time in a 4-day week. You would have such possibilities in principle, so you don’t have to live “so” forever
I will definitely do after training! Hope only that one gets used to it and is not always sad because one remembers the time with the family.
Yeah, you can get used to it. However, better at a job you like to do, where you can get involved, where you can live creatively.
To work kit: Many people are much worse. Whether directly working time, it was far over 40 hours earlier, there was also a regular working day on Saturday. Also on the way from/to work you are certainly in the good middle field.
The work is now part of money earning, for bread purchase. Yes work can make stress, mainly through certain standards.
If you can’t get out of the way, you should at least actively counteract it in leisure and not raise any more problems. Good sleep, good environment, healthy diet, etc.
You got mesnchen on work that’s good to you? If so, open up with your theme and if there are good people, they will help you.
Good luck.
On the one hand it’s nice to hear that you miss the time with your family, I guess you have a very good relationship and that’s what’s really great. I don’t know how old you are, I guess you’ll be somewhere between 16 and 20 years old and the “right” life is just coming to you. And growing up also includes responsibility and independence. You prove the responsibility by starting a training and taking responsibility in a job gradually. On the other hand, however, it is also important to leave the nest and to become independent of parents or to live independently. Many people who study go to another city, far away from the family, so it was with me too. This feels very funny at the beginning and you are sad too, but ultimately you adapt to it and start your own life, you can do it too!
You get used to it, but it doesn’t seem much easier. Time will always be so little you have for yourself, but it will be better.
You were in school before, where you probably had no more leisure/time with the family with your homework. Shorter journey.
Or what did you do before the minijob you were far less than 40h.
It’s strange that after almost 2 months you haven’t been used to it for longer days.
I’d be planning on your STelle.
You’re going with the ÖFfis. A book, audiobook, knitting, Sudoku… some hobby.
I’ll tell you about the week. Bowling, McDoof, whatever kind of activities go financially.
in training you can do little, but after that there are more possibilities available
I only work part time, my life is too short for 40h servants.
So you can definitely make working life easier
Wait till you have to run your own household 😀
It’ll be interesting.
But yes, you get used to it. And I don’t find anything bad.
If you can work part time later, of course you will get less money.
And less pension
Guide my own household🙇🏽 ♂️ Hope you only get used to it with time and don’t always think back to the many time you had with the family
I don’t know what the problem is, but I still have 5 hours of leisure with a full-time job every week.
The weekend.
How many times do you want to see your family?
Okay 😅 but what can you do?
Now I’m sure you have a self-employment problem.
I live right next to my parents and spend time there from 19:00-21:00 it feels so sad that I only have 2h a day with them and earlier 24h it hurts
Then your problem is probably more self-employment than work.
You don’t live at home anymore, so you would have no work.
It’s just extremely uninhabited because I saw her all day and could help them, I can’t do that anymore because I have to work. If you get used to it…
Are you really so much less at home than before? Normal school went with us in the higher vintages also from 8 to 15:30…
I only had minijob for 6 months until the training started
This is a normal working week. That’s how I’ve been working since 1985.
all quite normal and no reason to cry.
My working time went from 1991 to 1996 even daily until 6 p.m.
I’m just wondering if you get used to that kind of thing that’s going to be better mentally at some point.
Sure. I never had to cry but 40 hours a week is normal.
Home Garden Children and Dog
Yeah, you get used to it. Sometime
If you are usually at home with only 39 hours almost every day before 18:00, you have a lot of time at home.
You get used to it.
You’ll get used to it.
In a few months you have overcome these difficulties.
Welcome to life
you get used to everything; also to it.
If that wasn’t the case, DEINE parents would probably have died before your birth.
How to understand your answer?
If the parents were not used to it, the questioner would not have been born. Unless they had already found themselves in school
That’s what you mean.
You can also get to know each other differently.
However, on the FS: Head up – maybe you get to know someone interesting at work.
It happened to me the same time last year, without my stupid 40h week, we would never have come so close and would not have made a beautiful Greece holiday 🙂